There's Only Us // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Warnings: some gentle smut. It's actually so gentle I don't want to call it smut. It's love. Regardless, 18+, read at your own discretion.

Keane released their new album today and as soon as I heard the song "Put The Radio On," I jumped into Google Docs to write this beautiful tumblr anon request. The song just felt right, it really set the mood for me, so I hope you listen to it. More importantly, I hope you enjoy this.

Shut all the blinds, hang a sign on the door

We can't stop this anymore

Let's make a world no one can touch

A world where there is only us.

"I'm so excited to finally see the ocean," you said to Josh, who was gripping the steering wheel. The windows were down and you could already smell the sea air, the salt and the brine, the sand and the hot sun permeating everything around you. There was no one else you would have rather been with, either. Josh was even the best person to drive with, always ready to go, always cranking the playlists you and him would collaborate on together. He made everything fun, and he was someone you were always eager to share new experiences with.

"Me too," he replied, turning to smile at you. "Well, more excited because it's your first time."

The alluring scents got even closer and then you were driving over the ocean itself, the bridge underneath the car the only true separation. The water was a shimmering, sparkling deep teal, dotted with white boats. You kept your eyes locked on it, trying to spot any of the creatures you'd only ever seen in books and on TV, the anticipation of feeling the water and the sand growing as a rapid heartbeat in your chest.

The car was in park and the windows were going up, and you were there. The pavement was hot around you as you stepped outside, and the warm wind was whipping through your hair. You stretched as you surveyed your surroundings and breathed in the air, Josh locking the car and joining your side.

"What do you think?" he asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, his skin warm.

"Already magical," you told him, reciprocating with your arm around his waist.

It was true–even the short walk up the sandy path to the actual beach was magical for you, your feet kicking through the soft, hot sand. But you were mesmerized when you were finally standing in front of the ocean itself, massive, all-encompassing, glittering like a billion sapphires.

You took off your shirt and shorts and Josh followed, you two leaving your clothes in a pile on the sand, then you both took off running into the water. It was colder than you expected, and saltier, and the shock sent a rapid tingle up your spine as you crashed into the shallows.

Josh crashed right along with you, both of you laughing as the water splashed around you and into your faces. You sank down, letting the water reach your chest as you adjusted to the sensation, and felt the wet sand in your hands and under your feet, the white, curling waves lapping to shore bursting around you.

You both stayed like that, half-floating, half-sticking in the shallow water, for a couple minutes. You looked up to the sun and followed its glowing light back down the surface of the water, how it made it all shine and gleam. Your body was acclimated then and you swam forward, propelling yourself into slightly deeper waters, letting the sea envelop you as Josh followed next to you.

"There's no one else I would want to do this with," you said to Josh, standing on the sand with the water at your neck. You were feeling elated, ethereal, and your love for the new experience, new place, and the familiar, incredible person at your side was like a dream. You wanted to gush with sentimentality and love.

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