Under the Table // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader

Word Count: ~3700

Warnings: public sex; fingering; dirty talking; 18+ ONLY

I've had this idea in my head for soooo long, y'all. I hope you enjoy <3


Weddings were normally a lot of fun for you, at least in memory–a time to dress up, go somewhere new, kick back, drink, eat and dance without a care in the world–but in this sea of mostly strangers, you felt anxious and out of place. Everyone clearly knew everyone else, while you were a nameless, faceless entity that had showed up as a plus one. You hadn't even properly prepared for the weather either but your bag in the hotel contained only one possible wedding outfit and, unfortunately, the chilly autumn evening didn't do well with bare legs and no jacket. You were eternally grateful when the beautiful but cold outdoor ceremony ended and you got to get inside the actual venue. The winery was elegance on top of elegance, a bit of a surprise after mostly being accustomed to bars and breweries–it was full of generous round tables laid in amber and wine colored tablecloths, soft gold lights and even a disco ball in the center of the dance floor, everything shiny and dim at once, the subdued darkness that equated to ambiance giving you a surge of confidence. If you could situate yourself in the shadows, maybe you wouldn't feel so out of place.

Even Danny seemed a little at a loss though. He wasn't particularly close with this uncle and those cousins and without the Kiszka posse there with you both, things seemed a little less secure somehow. The steady, comfortable chaos from the group dynamic was gone, something unfamiliar especially when alcohol and dancing was involved. But Danny had a plus one, not a plus three, and although Sam had accused him of choosing "the other woman" over him again, you were there. Hopefully to be some kind of anchor if Danny needed it.

You followed him to a table in the far corner of the huge room, the wall of windows behind it at least giving some breathing room with the view of the vineyard outside and the deep blue sky above it. It hadn't even been Danny's choice where you'd be sitting–your name and his were on little placards in front of two chairs, and the rest of the table listed names to people you didn't know and Danny only vaguely knew by name and not really by face, apparently. So, sliding through the crowd that was still caught in the open entrance, you sat down with your glasses of wine and waited to see who else would join the table of outcasts.

"Who's Macy?" you asked, plucking the name card next to you and showing it to Danny. You'd already slammed a glass of wine at the bar before you managed to bring the drinks to the table and, on an empty stomach, the alcohol was already warming you inside and out.

Danny took the card and stared at it as if looking at it harder would jog some memory of the person that never existed in his world to begin with. "Uh–I don't know. Maybe a friend? A third cousin? Probably a distant cousin."

It was Danny's uncle who was getting married and not for the first time, but it was the first of his weddings Danny had attended as an adult. "Well, maybe we're at the kid's table," you remarked, looking around for Danny's parents who'd disappeared after the ceremony, clearly seated elsewhere. "Or one of the kid's tables. Like, adults but not quite adults yet."

"We're adults. You just chugged a whole glass of wine." Danny elbowed your side. "I think someone's coming."

Not just one someone, but two, evidently another couple, just older enough than you and Danny to validate your kid's table theory. They approached, the man with a beer foaming in a clear glass and the woman with a glass of wine to match your own, and looked down at the name cards. Sheepishly, like they knew they were also being a little outcast, the woman slid into the chair three down from you and the man into the chair next to hers.

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