Touch Me & You'll Never Be Alone - Part II - Danny x Jake [SMUT]

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No matter how much heartbreak the Kiszkas go through, there's one person who is always there for them, who's never going to leave.

Part II - In the Middle of the Night

Word Count: ~3800

Warnings: SLASH (don't like it, don't read it!), non-penetrative sex, handjobs, rimming, oral sex, little bit of dirty talking. 18+ ONLY.

A/N: Need I say more?? 

When Jake got dumped, he got sad. Sadder than he'd ever been from a breakup, and his gloominess and sulking reached a point where he could tell that his twin and his little brother weren't sure what else to do. Josh and Sam's spastic antics and jokes certainly did make him laugh, which was very helpful, Jake had to admit, but the laughter just wasn't doing it as the days dragged on. He needed comfort. He needed to be wrapped up in nothing but warmth and love and be free to forget for a while, to have his heart nurtured while it felt so vulnerable and he felt so stupid for these feelings dragging on and on and on. When that desire ran like a river through him, Jake kept thinking of Danny, because Danny was inherently comforting, warm and loving, and in ways that Jake couldn't get from anyone else he knew. Not even his "actual" brothers, though it was very sweet how they kept trying to cheer him up. Sam, who bounced back from breakups like it was his second job, especially began to seem clueless, whereas Josh seemed to get more and more desperate in his efforts to see Jake whole again. Danny though–he was eternally patient and kind, offering him endless space and time to work through his feelings while he offered whatever Jake needed. Those had been his words. So of course there came a night, deep and dark in the midnight hours, that Jake was exhausted from lying awake, mind churning, in the too-big expanse of his hotel bed and decided to take Danny up on that offer.

And Danny came right to him. It was so easy. It was so easy to let Danny crawl over him on the bed, dark curls hanging in his face then tickling Jake's cheeks when he lowered himself, bringing them nose to nose.

"I'll help you feel better," Danny promised, his voice rough and low, and Jake's heart sped up at the sound of those words. Danny would make him feel better. He was confident in that but he didn't get to voice it, because Danny laid himself right on top then, knee pressed down between Jake's legs, and a single kiss to his jaw made Jake forget how to speak.

Instead of words, a high whine sounded from his throat and he felt embarrassed at that obvious desperation, but Danny smiled against his skin and kissed down his neck, hand tangled in Jake's hair. They were both already half-undressed, shirts discarded to the floor, and Danny's upper body was quickly proving to be the warmth and security Jake craved so badly. He spread his hands over those broad shoulders and closed his eyes as Danny's soft kisses moved from the side of his neck to the middle of his throat, making Jake tilt his head back, and the hand that wasn't stroking through his hair found Jake's chest, Danny's thumb brushing over one nipple feather-light, which made him whine again.

"I remember you making the prettiest sounds," Danny remarked and Jake's entire body burned. He could remember too, but he was still surprised that Danny hadn't forgotten what he liked, which was exactly what Danny was doing–teasing his nipples between full-palmed pets and squeezes to his chest, those delicate kisses all over his neck and collarbones with a few harder but shorter-lived kisses to his mouth from time to time.

Jake had never been a pillow princess but with Danny, it came so naturally, especially now, to just lie back and be taken care of. It was obvious that Danny did truly remember some of what Jake liked but it was also clear he was very skilled at following intuition and Jake had to wonder when his silly, shy and slightly awkward younger bandmate became such a master of seduction. Their first time hadn't been so...romantic. Their first time had been a too-quick fumble in the lounge of their tour bus, with Danny's hand down Jake's pants and Jake's teeth clumsily clacking against his, the whole thing so sudden and feverish. Not like now. Now, they were both taking their time, with Danny slowly pulling Jake's pants down and sitting back on his knees, running his hands down his thighs.

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