I Dream of the Sun // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader

Word Count: ~2100

Warnings: sort of PWP (oral sex; fingering; unprotected penetrative sex; Danny is a gentle top). 18+ ONLY.

WAKE UP BABE, NEW DANNY FIC JUST DROPPED. Excuse my absence, but y'all know Danny is forever my everything and this new look of his has me in a whirlwind of emotions and desire. Hope my fellow Danny Girls can appreciate <3

P.S. to those of you who have sent me DMs over the past few months, I am so sorry I didn't reply. I didn't even realize I was receiving them and all of you have been so kind and amazing. Please always feel free to reach out to me on tumblr if I don't get back to you on here (and you have tumblr lol) <3 


You always thought your boyfriend was the hottest person to ever walk the planet, but when Danny sent you a selfie from the latest, newest city the band was frolicking in, you could have fainted right there on the spot. He hadn't told you he was switching up his look–not that he needed to–and the surprise was just, well, wow. Not a lot of guys could pull off bangs, especially not with such wild curls, but Danny did. Easily. And you weren't sure if the eyeliner was just for show, just for your own personal enjoyment, but it worked regardless of the intent.

You called him right away, too wired from excitement to go to bed as planned. "Get home," you demanded as soon as he answered. "Right now."

That laugh only made your heart spin around faster. "Soon, babe. So is the new look Y/N approved?"

"Very approved," you affirmed, lying back on your bed, the low glow of the bedside lamp warming your senses in tandem with Danny's voice and the image still flickering in your mind. You put him on speaker just to look at the selfie again. "You look so hot, it's unreal. Send me more."

Danny laughed again, low and soft. "I will. Just wait until you see what I'm wearing for the show tomorrow."

"Nothing at all?" you teased, imagining just that. Maybe just some skimpy shorts, Sam-style. "I'd fly down there right now to see that."

"I'll give you a hint–leather."

You groaned. "Oh, Jesus, Danny. You're gonna kill me. Is all of this Jake-Josh-and-Sam approved?"

"Well, Josh helped me pick out the pants, so yeah, I'd say so," Danny said with a chuckle. "And Jake helped me pick out the eyeliner."

"I can't believe you're wearing eyeliner," you said, running your free hand through your hair. It was safe to say you weren't going to sleep for a while. "Didn't I suggest that like, a while ago? You look like an Egyptian god."

"It's kinda hard to take off, even for an Egyptian god. Those makeup wipes sting my eyes."

"Ask Michelle for some micellar water," you suggested. "We can't have you ruining those gorgeous eyes."

"Micellar water? Okay, I'll listen to you–again." Danny sighed softly, but you could hear the smile attached to it. "So what is my gorgeous girl up to tonight? I actually thought you'd be asleep and that pic would be like, a morning surprise."

"Well, Daniel, I'm really not tired now," you told him, but you situated yourself under the covers anyway, curling around them. "I wish you were here. Or I was there. I miss my cuddle buddy."

"I miss you too," Danny said, and the words sang through your heart and the softness of his voice was enough to begin to lull you into earnest tiredness. "Nine more days."


The nine days couldn't have come soon enough. After you'd seen the pictures of Danny in those tight leather pants and the sparkling mesh shirt, you had half a mind to really fly down and pounce on him like a cougar. Patience prevailed, and you managed to wait until he actually returned home, coming up the steps to the house as the sunset backlit him even more beautifully than any stage lights, his endless dark beauty amplified by the brilliant waves of gold, tangerine and fuchsia in the sky.

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