Like You // Danny Wagner

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Warnings: none; all fluff. Marshmallow fluff, if you will, and I am y e a r n i n g.

Requested by the one & only @myownparadise96 <3 thank you so much. Ever since I learned Danny loves Peeps, I've been completely hypnotized. I really didn't think that boy could get any softer or fill any more of my heart.

Sam elbowed you in your side, turning to look at you, his hair grazing your shoulder. "Y/N," he whispered, leaning in close. "You're staring at him."

You broke your gaze from Danny, sitting on the couch at the opposite end of the room, and turned to Sam. "What?"

"You were actually more like, gawking at him," Sam told you.

You glanced back up to Danny, fiddling with his phone while Jake went over and sat down next to him, Josh audible from another room, talking to himself.

"I wasn't," you protested, but you felt your glance turn into yet another transfixed gaze.

God, it was getting worse. You'd been friends with Danny for a long time and, while you always found him objectively cute, with his ever-growing dark hair, sweet, shy nature and silly laugh, you'd never thought of him as anything other than just a friend. But you were starting to really realize how much your attraction to him was growing, and if Sam was noticing you "gawk" at Danny, it must be pretty obvious to everyone else too.

You averted your eyes to Jake, seeing if he'd caught onto you. He met your eyes and tilted his head toward Danny, then raised his eyebrows at you.

"What the fuck," you said under your breath. Had you always been so obvious?

You looked back to Danny but he stood up and stretched. His t-shirt raised a little, exposing a couple inches of tan and toned abdominal muscles, plus a sneak peak at his significant happy trail. Okay, you had to admit to yourself, shirtless Danny had always been a little sexy to you, and you'd fantasized about running your fingers down that same abdomen, but the more recent fantasies of kissing a shirtless Danny were a little different.

Josh sauntered into the room as you got up, following Danny, though he hadn't seemed to notice. "Where you going, doll?"

"I need to figure something out," was your response, and you ignored Josh's sideways glance to make your way to the kitchen.

Danny was getting a glass of water at the sink; when he turned around to see you in the doorway, he jumped a little. "Jeez, I didn't know you were there."

"Sorry," you said quietly, still lingering in the doorway. You had, in fact, followed him in there to figure something out, but now you weren't sure how to go about it, and he was looking at you expectantly.

"Am I in your way?" Danny asked, laughing a little.

"No, I'm sorry," you replied, trying to think of something intelligent to say. "I forgot what I came in here for."

Danny smiled at you and reached up into one of the cupboards above the sink, exposing a couple inches of the small of his back to you–which was still a welcome sight, and then your eyes wandered down to his ass. You withheld a sigh as you looked at him–he was just so perfect to you. Always kind, gentle and loving but, somewhere along the way, had become fucking gorgeous. Your heart started to race whenever he touched you, even if it was a simple touch on your arm, his hand on your hip, or–your favorite–when you'd clutch each other's hands during a scary movie; all these short-lived moments of physical affection that left you feeling starved when they were over.

"I know what I came in here for," he said, holding a box of blue marshmallow Peeps. "Sam makes fun of me."

You stopped yourself from gawking at him again, but you thought it was really adorable. Tall, strong Danny holding a bunch of blue marshmallow chickadees, smiling like a little kid. "I didn't know you liked those."

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