Starstruck // Sam Kiszka

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Warnings: none, this is super soft & sweet, my favorite kind of Sam!

A big thank you to a friend on tumblr for this fun request! I know you said I could choose any of the boys & Sam seemed like such a cute fit for this, I hope you enjoy! 

Greta Van Fleet. They were there, right in front of you, their music vibrating in your ears, their shining outfits glimmering in your view. It was by far the most starstruck you'd ever been, despite meeting all different musicians and actors during your (well, sort of short) time in show business.

Your eyes were glued to them as they performed. Their dynamic was electric, all of them playing off one another effortlessly, all of their own individual styles working together to create the foursome of a dream, a surreal and glittering sensory experience.

But who was your favorite? You really couldn't choose, you'd developed crushes on them all as you'd listened to and watched them, starting long before your boss told you they'd be on the show. Josh was pure saccharine sweetness with his toothy smile and gleaming eyes; Jake was a powerhouse with that guitar, you couldn't help but wonder what else his fingers could do; Danny's quiet, reserved nature you'd observed in interviews was gone when he drummed, replaced by a wild, rhythmic beast; then there was Sam, with his hair slipping into his face and those perfect, pouty, parted lips twitching as he fingered his bass, effortlessly cool, ungodly beautiful.

That energy and that face, especially that perfect mouth, ended up making you transfixed on Sam most of all. You'd seen him in interviews and videos and he seemed like such an endearing goofball, someone you could imagine having a ton of lighthearted fun with, but watching him play right in front of you made your heart flip in your chest.

You were just hanging out backstage after the boys were done, hopeful you'd actually get to talk to them yourself, nervous you'd be too starstruck to be coherent. You were tapping your foot, absentmindedly glossing over one of the posters on the wall, when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

Danny Wagner was standing in front of you, seeming to be even taller than in video form, and even more ripped. You swallowed, nerves prickling up your spine, but he offered you a sweet smile.

"Hey, um, Y/N, right?" he asked, just as shy and bashful as you'd imagined, but it was so strange to experience it for yourself.

"Yeah," you affirmed, trying not to stare at him too hard, but damn, he was cute! "Danny?"

He politely extended his hand you shook it, warm and a little rough. "Yeah, nice to meet you. So, um, we've got your biggest fan nearby."

You cocked your head, the nerves up your spine intensifying. "What do you mean?"

"Sam loves you," Danny said, then laughed a little. "Well, he's just a big fan. Your biggest fan, honestly."

Your heart flipped again, but it kept flipping, and you let out a quiet, nervous laugh. "Really?" you replied, looking around. "Where is he? I'd love to meet him."

"He's being shy right now," Danny told you, starting to glance around himself. "I think Jake and Josh are giving him a hard time about it."

"It's okay," you insisted, feeling yourself blush. "I can't believe he's nervous to meet me, I've been so nervous to meet you guys."

Seemingly out of nowhere there was a gravely, warm voice behind you that said, "Oh please, we're all cupcakes," and then Josh was next to Danny, their vast difference in stature and hippie outfits making you start to giggle.

Your attention was averted when you saw Jake behind them, practically dragging a limp Sam behind himself, then all four members of Greta Van Fleet were in front of you. You blinked hard, feeling the need to pinch yourself, but Sam cleared his throat and looked at you through his lashes, a faint pink hue over his cheeks, and it fully registered that they were real. And Sam, the wonder boy bassist, was starstruck by you?

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