Hideaway // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert!! [a little dirty talking; oral sex; fingering; public sex, sort of; unprotected sex] 18+ read at your own discretion.

This comes to us from an outside request & I know she has been so patient with me, as all of you have been too. Thank you for that, truly. This ~proud cumslut~ has been going through it, but I hope to be getting back into the swing of things soon. To the lovely lady who requested this, I hope it was worth the wait, and to the anon who said she misses my Josh fics, I hope this satisfies for now!

The solitude that washed over you as the last staff member left for the evening and you said your goodbyes to the last custodian shuffling out of the library was unmatched. The library on a busy day was a peaceful place, no doubt, but the complete silence at the end of the evening was something you reveled in, especially because you didn't get the chance to very often.

That solitude was interrupted by someone coming in, though. You heard the door of the main entrance click and swing open, then latch shut; you finished putting your books back in your bag and stood up. Must be the custodian having forgotten something–but before you could start to move closer to the entrance, Josh popped out from the archaeology section, a big grin on his face.

"How'd you get in here?" you asked, grinning back, smitten by his adorableness as always, him always being so playful.

"The custodian let me in," he told you, bringing you in for a tight hug. "Maybe you need more scrutinizing security here."

"I was just about to lock up," you said, running your hands down his back, over his sweater. "How'd you even know I was here?"

"I was driving by and I saw your car," he replied with a little grin, then held his hand over his heart. "Not even a lie!"

"Oh, so you decided to just stop in?" you teased, pulling back and gently clasping the sides of his face. "You're so cute."

Josh smiled and leaned in to kiss you, his hands already running down your waist, then back up again to fiddle with the buttons of your shirt. You kissed him back, the soft kisses as if to say "I missed you" turning into deeper kisses that said, "I want you."

You giggled when Josh popped the first two buttons of your shirt and tried to slip his hands underneath the fabric, only to have to retreat and unbutton the rest of it entirely; he urged you back against the table and cupped your breasts as he slid the tip of his tongue in your mouth, you tilting your head to get a better angle, then he grated his teeth carefully over your bottom lip as he pulled back.

"Are there cameras in here?" he asked, kissing down your neck, his left hand squeezing your breast as his right moved down your body and to your pants, fiddling with the fly, popping it open and sliding his hand past the waistband.

"Nope," you answered, sighing when he ran his fingers over your heat. "Not enough funding for that."

Josh laughed against your neck, turning his head. "Oh no. Well, that works for us."

You pulled him in closer with your hands on his lower back, pressing your pelvises together; Josh removed his hand and ground himself into you, his bulge rubbing against you, your pants slowly getting lower and lower from the friction. Finishing the job, he pulled your pants down to your knees and put his hand back between your legs, giving the inside of your thigh a squeeze before he slid two fingers underneath the side of your underwear.

You laid your hand on the back of Josh's neck and brought him in for another kiss, his lips soft, his tongue warm; he moaned quietly against your mouth as he dragged his fingertips over you, but as you moaned too he took his hand away and brought it up to the side of your neck, cradling you as he kissed you back.

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