Vantage Points // Jake Kiszka

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Warnings: none; I stan soft Jake.

This is for all my tall gals–as an extremely tall lady myself, I sometimes find myself feeling excluded from certain fics when they get into the specifics of the reader's height. Like, Danny and I are eye-to-eye; so, because us tall gals are largely underappreciated and underrepresented, here's a little fluffy Jake piece to help you remember how incredible you are.

And as one of my favorite people once said, "Don't let a tall bitch intimidate you; let her empower you."

"We have to get a picture," Jake said to you, the two of you standing in front of the glass tank that the sea lions were happily swimming back and forth inside, looping through tunnels and popping up at the surface just to dive back down and disappear momentarily. "Hopefully with one of them in the picture behind us."

"I'll just uh, do my best to crouch," you replied and bent your knees, squatting down to liken yourself to Jake's height. Being tall had its advantages but one of its disadvantages was feeling insecure from time to time, and trying to get selfies with most people instigated those insecurities, even though you knew it shouldn't.

Once you were level with Jake, he tapped the button on his phone's screen, the two of you smiling in front of the blue water, the flipper of a sea lion caught in frame.

He looked at it and smiled. "We look good."

You straightened up, your shoulder surpassing Jake's, suddenly feeling hyper-aware of how you towered over him. "I wish I was shorter," you said, metaphorically kicking yourself for allowing yourself to get down about such an insignificant thing.

"I don't," Jake replied, taking your arm in his and turning you both back around to watch the sea lions again. "You're statuesque."

"I'm glad you appreciate it," you told him, a smile breaking on your face. "Not many guys do."

"Well, maybe I'm not 'many guys.'"

The smile grew. Jake was good at making you feel beautiful, even on your most insecure days. "No, you're not," you agreed.

You carried on, making your way out of the sea lion's cave and back outside, but what self-esteem you had cultivated faded away again when you saw a girl being carried on her boyfriend's back, not so unlike the lemurs that were a few feet away from you.

"See, we can't do that," you said to Jake, gesturing at the couple as they staggered away.

He laughed. "You could carry me. In fact, I think I'd really like that."

"What if I want to be carried?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.

"The last time we tried that, I think we both learned I'm incapable," Jake replied and wrapped his arms around you. "Sometimes I wish I was taller, you know? But you still love me."

"Yeah, because your height is endearing," you replied with a scoff, though you relented and wrapped your arms around him as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"And yours isn't?"

You sighed. "Jake, doesn't it make you feel weird to walk around with me? Like doesn't it look strange to you?"

"No, Y/N, it doesn't," he answered, pulling back from you and looked up into your eyes. "I think you're beautiful. Now come on down here and kiss me, mama."

You rolled your eyes but leaned down to gently press your lips against his, his hands on your waist. When you broke the soft kiss you could see the adoration in his eyes–Jake really was looking at you like you were the most beautiful goddess to have ever existed, as he always did.

"Do you really want a piggyback ride?" you asked.

Jake's face lit up. "Yes, I really do."

You nodded your head, laughing silently to yourself, and turned around, crouching down with your knees bent. "Hop on, little man."

He wrapped his arms around your chest, clasping his hands together, and literally hopped onto your back, hooking his legs around your waist. You centered both of your weight on your heels and slowly stood up, keeping your hands under his ass, your wrists pressed up against the backs of his thighs.

"Damn, Jake," you said with a huff. "You're heavier than you look. Must be all that ass."

"I know you like it," he said softly in your ear, then gently nipped it.

You popped him up higher behind you, adjusting as you started to walk. "How does it feel to be tall?"

"I like it, it's a good vantage point," Jake answered from above. "Damn, you've got quite the view, Y/N. I'm a little jealous."

Carrying Jake around, as slight as he was, was quite the workout, but you managed to carry him around through the lion, the wolves, the red pandas, and finally to the giraffes, where he slid down your back and onto the ground again.

He wrapped his arm around your waist and strained up to kiss your cheek. "My lady's so strong," he said quietly. "So fucking sexy."

You reached around and smacked his ass playfully. "You liked the ride?"

He chuckled and nuzzled his face against your shoulder. "Hell yeah, I did," he answered and then looked out at the giraffes. "See, those are some tall, majestic, beautiful creatures."

"They are," you agreed, studying the pair of giraffes as they sauntered to the basket of fruit and leaves hanging high on the trees. "It's crazy how tall they are. Seeing them in person is so different than in books or on TV."

Jake turned back to you. "You are so gorgeous, Y/N. You don't even know it, but you are," he said. "And I'll do my best to remind you of it every day."

You smiled, feeling secure again, feeling beautiful again. You didn't need Jake's validation–you'd gone years with validating yourself just on your own–but that gleam of adoration in his eyes did help. You couldn't dismiss all the times he really had reminded you of your beauty, all the times he'd gawked at you when you showed up in heels, how he'd completely worship your body, kissing you all over and stroking his hands down your legs.

"Thanks, Jake," you said softly and leaned down to kiss him again, your lips lingering on his long enough for one of the giraffes to make a noise and startle both of you. "We make quite a pair, don't we?"

"Hell yes, we do, Y/N," he agreed and wrapped his arm around you again, resting his head on your shoulder.

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