Something Sweet // Josh Kiszka

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Warnings: none; pure fluff, short & sweet just like Joshy Baby

Requested by a lovely friend on tumblr :3


Every single nerve in your body was tingling as you and Josh settled down on the sand. You knew you were going to have sand, possibly eternally, embedded in your clothes but you were too excited to really care. The sand was warm, the sun was high in the sky and making the water shimmer different shades of green, and it was a perfect day.

It was the first time in all of your time knowing Josh that he was quiet. You were listening to the gentle ripples of the water lapping at the shore, observing Josh as you leaned back on your hands. He was gazing out at the water, sitting straight next to you for a minute, before he leaned back to join you.

"Ouch," he said and reached his hand underneath himself, retrieving a jagged rock from beneath his thigh, then tossed it into the water. "Bastard!"

You laughed a little. "We should have looked more carefully."

"At least it's not glass," Josh replied. "One time Sam cut his foot open on a broken beer bottle on this very beach. I thought I'd never hear the end of it."

You laughed again. You looked at Josh through your peripheral for a moment longer, then turned your attention to the lake and the sky, silently wondering why he hadn't made any sort of move on you yet. You'd actually waited so long to see if he would ask you out so, when he did, you thought you were going to burst. Yet the entire date, he hadn't really touched you, so maybe his idea of "take you out" was different than yours?

The water eased some of your worries with its gentle sounds, and the breeze that carried the squawks of the gulls cooled your skin even under the sun. You were glad to be there with Josh, no matter what.

You saw him move his arm from the corner of your eye, but figured he was looking through the sand for a shell or another rock or something, but then his hand was on top of yours, warm and coated in a fine layer of sand. He laced his fingers through yours, dragging your fingertips through the sand.

"Oh," you said quietly, surprised, and immediately realized how off-putting that one word must be to him.

But Josh laughed and squeezed your hand. "Oh?"

"Sorry, I'm just surprised," you told him. "But in a good way."

"Why surprised?" Josh asked and turned to you, grabbing your other hand and resting his knees against yours.

"Well–no, no reason," you said but when Josh raised his eyebrows, you went on. "It's just that–this is the first move you've made and we've been together all day."

He laughed loudly and held his arms up, taking your hands with his and squeezing them again before lowering them back between you. "I'm nervous, Y/N!"

"Why are you nervous?" you asked, amused and smiling, feeling your cheeks flush. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"I remember practicing asking you out in the mirror," Josh confessed, biting his lower lip as he glanced down at the sand between both of your legs. "That was like, a month ago."

You smiled and, without thinking too hard about it, leaned forward and kissed him. It started as a simple, first-time kiss but then Josh parted his lips a little and the tip of your tongue met his, you took in his taste. It was new and you couldn't think of the words for it, it was just Josh, but you also tasted a hint of something sweet, like spun sugar and cherries.

Josh was grinning at you when you pulled back, and he rested his hands on your knees, then leaned forward to kiss you again, his fingers digging into your skin. "I liked that," he said when your mouths were, once again, free of each other.

"You've clearly practiced that too," you remarked, tempted to continue.

Josh laughed and clapped his hands together, then straightened himself out, clearing his throat, looking at you intently. "I might need some more practice."

"We can do that," you said, the nerves in your body coming to life again, tingling and loud, and leaned in a bit, letting Josh take the lead again. He moved his hand up to the side of your face and you didn't care about the sand against your cheek and getting in your hair. His lips and tongue, your fingers going through his curls, and the warmth of the sun hitting down on you had you completely entranced so even the sounds of the water disappeared.

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