Touch Me & You'll Never Be Alone - Part I - Danny x Josh [SMUT]

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No matter how much heartbreak the Kiszkas go through, there's one person who is always there for them, who's never going to leave.

Part I - Lights Down Low

Word Count: ~4k

Warnings: SLASH (don't like it, don't read it!), non-penetrative sex, handjobs, fluff, lots of spooning + cuddling. 18+ ONLY.

A/N: I can't believe this is the first Danny x Josh fic I've ever written. This idea of the 3-part series came to me suddenly and this one just poured out of me. Also, no, I am not at all rooting for any of the boys to have an IRL breakup LOL. But I do like playing up Danny in his Slut Era in fanfiction. I hope you enjoy ;)


Despite Josh usually feeling distinctly like a true older brother to Danny, there were times here and there that he didn't. Danny thought it was just because Josh was naturally flirtatious–not even overtly, not in a seductive way even, but because he was so open and free and one of the most physical people he'd ever known. Sometimes the hugs went a little long; sometimes the brief touches were strong on Danny's skin; sometimes the look in Josh's eyes bordered on mischief, sometimes on what Danny could only describe to himself as desire. It always sent him into a bit of a tizzy when that happened, made him trip over his words when the time came to speak, or stumble, suddenly losing all grace and decorum.

The first time he'd caught one of Josh's not-so-brotherly looks was just before their second album was released. Danny could remember clearly within the context of that time–the sudden distress of a global pandemic, the distance, the struggle it had been to record, the change of management, the stress on all of their relationships within the band and beyond. So many changes between Anthem and now, he thought as he brushed his teeth in front of the hotel mirror, that he sometimes wasn't sure how they'd even made it through. But now here they were, doing well enough to each get their own hotel rooms after producing a third full album and beginning another tour.

After spitting and rinsing, he looked at himself, proud to think that he liked what he saw. A lot, actually. And it wasn't just because so many of the fans thought he was hot–he'd seen the changes in himself, both unintentional and intentional, and felt like he'd grown into being the fiery (quite literally these days), solid beast of a drummer, the backbone and also the heartbeat of the band. So, in a way, he stopped being surprised when Josh would touch him for too long or look at him in that curious, wanting way; it was flattering. Danny embraced quiet praise more than vocal praise even to this day.

The excitement of the tour seemed to be fizzing through all of them continually even despite the personal setbacks. Josh especially was dealing with a lot–a breakup that had seemed sudden to Danny until he heard more about the intricacies and drawn out hurdles, things he'd missed because Josh was so good at being private when he wanted to be. It had taken them all by surprise, really, and Danny felt for him. His own breakup had been difficult and he'd seen it coming from a mile away. But with Josh's breakup, there had been a moment–or really, a long string of minutes suspended between them that felt like both an eternity and a second–when his older brother nature completely disappeared and he just wasn't.

And secretly, Danny had been wanting something like that to happen again. So when a knock came upon his hotel room door and he opened it to see Josh standing there, barefoot and in slouchy, soft pajamas, his heart did a little flip.

"I'm not tired," Josh announced, taking it upon himself to breeze right past Danny and enter his space. There was that big brother energy, Danny thought, but it was still an unusual gift. Josh answered his silent question by saying, "Jake's passed out and Sam is having a mutual masturbation session with his girlfriend."

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