Good // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut altert!! [some f-dom/m-sub; dirty talking; oral sex; fingering; rimming; pegging; cumshot] 18+ read at your own discretion.

I got this brilliant anon request last week and, if you go to it, you can see me being hesitant, mostly because I'm thinking, Shouldn't I write about Sam being pegged first? But due to yearning and lusting over Josh (and dat ass) especially hard the past few days, I've written this request (and I will forever be shameless about wanting to top this beautiful man). Anon, I'm not sure how heavy you wanted the f-dom to be, but, well, it's me. I really hope you enjoy & thank you so much for the request ~~

The low hum in Josh's throat diverted your attention from your reading. It was a quiet night in for both of you, the weather not permitting much else and you weren't in the mood to watch a movie–which was too bad for him–yet his little noises and the constant fidgeting kept distracting you.

"What is it, Josh?" you asked, setting the book down on your nightstand, finally giving your complete attention to him, propped up against the wall, his legs straight out and just slightly resting against yours.

"Nothing, Y/N," he replied, but then he looked at you with these wet puppy dog eyes, pouting a little. "Just bored."

You sighed but smiled, leaning in closer to him. "Well, what do you wanna do?" you asked, reaching up to stroke his hair. "It's nasty outside."

He leaned into your touch, turning his body to face you more. "We can still do something–something inside," he replied and gently grabbed hold of your wrist, bringing your hand down to his crotch.

You smirked and went with it, running your fingertips along the fly of his pants. "What sort of 'something?'"

Josh sighed and arched his hips up momentarily before grabbing you by the back of your neck and kissing you. You kissed back, though you didn't immediately fall into his hard, passionate kisses–yours were soft, lingering, purposefully teasing him with the gentleness of your mouth and your fingers still trailing over his crotch.

You could feel him getting pressed harder into the wall, the back of his head no doubt uncomfortable against it, but still he stayed, gripping the back of your neck with urgency and kissing you with even more of that same urgency. You placed your hands on his shoulders and eased him back so he was flat in the middle of the bed, both of your feet at the headboard, and straddled his waist.

"What do you want, Josh?" you asked before kissing him again, another careful, soft kiss on his plush lips that made him moan quietly.

He exhaled and pulled you closer, taming his kisses on your mouth to match your gentleness. "I want you," he said, digging his fingers into your waist as he placed wet kisses along your throat.

You arched your back and sighed, closing your eyes, almost giving in. But you knew that wasn't what he really wanted.

"What do you want?" you asked again, moving yourself just out of the reach of his lips.

He ran his hands down your waist and another little rumble escaped his throat. "I want you to fuck me, Y/N."

"I can do that," you told him, leaning back down to kiss his cheek. Your mouth lingered there before moving back to his, your kisses becoming more heated as you spread your hands under his shirt, flattening your palms over his abdomen.

He craned his neck up to meet your kisses, seemingly grateful to finally be met with the same passion he'd initially given, but it was interrupted when you pulled his shirt over his head and moved down, straddling him low on his hips. You kissed down his neck, the kisses firm and wet, imprints of saliva shining on his skin as you moved down further, to his chest.

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