The Real Deal // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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I got a unique Josh smut request  and, as it goes, I am here to deliver! I think a lot of us have been in this boat, minus the real Josh showing up. Unfortunate, isn't it? I hope you enjoy!


You'd made a whole movie-esque setup of it–an array of candles lit on the dresser, lights dim, a clean, soft throw blanket atop the bedspread that you needed to wash anyway, all complete with utter silence. You didn't feel like you often got much time to yourself with your schedule and with having recently moved in with Josh. You loved it, you couldn't deny that for a second, but the adjustment had been kind of hard for you, and you hadn't realized how much you missed some real, true alone time every once in a while.

You closed the curtains, leaving your room enveloped in the single dim yellow light you'd kept on and the flickering little orbs of fire from the candles. You watched the shadows dance on the wall as you slid your pants down, slowly, admiring yourself in the mirror. It was a good day–you looked good, felt good, and Josh wouldn't be home for an entire hour.

The need for this had been building all day. You'd been antsy, crossing and uncrossing your legs constantly, fidgeting in your seat, mind drifting off to a thousand different luscious, beautiful, exotic and familiar places alike. You'd thought about that very act–slowly stripping down to your bra and panties, lying back on your big, warm bed, all that space just for you to spread out–for hours, just waiting to get home to actually do it.

The irony was, when you lowered your hand down your body and let your fingertips glide over your skin, you thought about Josh anyway. You thought about him as your fingers moved down your hip and to the outside of your thigh, tracing a line as you spread your legs a little and closed your eyes. You traced them over your inner thigh then, delicately, just enough to make yourself shiver, and you could feel your nipples stiffening underneath your bra.

You tilted your head back, imagining Josh kissing your neck, and drew your thumb down the seam of your panties, right over your thigh. You brushed your fingertips over yourself, still so warm and wet after the long-awaited fantasy, and you shivered again. Your skin was coming alive, sparking and sensitive, all over your body and once again you imagined Josh's lips gently pressing against your throat and down your neck; you could, from memory, place his tongue over your collarbone and over your chest, so slowly trailing further and further down.

You imagined breathing in the scent of his curls, wild and soft all around you, like starchy sweat and warm spice and bright citrus; you imagined those curls tickling your neck and chest as he moved down to kiss your chest, to squeeze your breasts, and you did it in his place. You cupped your breast with your free hand and squeezed as your other hand slipped past your underwear and your fingers made real contact with your heat.

A little sigh escaped your lips, interrupting the silence, and you felt your concentration break for a moment, thinking that, at any moment, your personal paradise could be infiltrated. You closed your eyes again and brought your focus back to yourself and how warm and soft your skin was, how warm and wet you were beneath your underwear, how badly your body wanted that teasing and touching and ultimate release. You could go faster, you could just go straight for it, but you wanted to make it last–you brought your hand back out and smoothed your fingers over the crotch of your panties, grazing your clit past the fabric just briefly before sliding both hands back to your inner thighs.

You inched down on the pillows a little more, almost entirely flat and sprawled out, and traced the crease where your thigh met your pelvis with your fingertip. You felt yourself clench and unclench with nothing to even grasp, though your mind immediately made the connection to what was missing–Josh. Then you were picturing him–all of him–nude and tan and hot on top of you, his hard, full cock pushing between your legs and rubbing over you, nudging its way inside you. You brought one hand back to your heat as you thought about it, able to hear his little sighs and moans without him even there, and slid it underneath your waistband once more.

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