What Do You Say? // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut; 18+, read at your own discretion [some f-dom/m-sub; masturbation; lots of dirty talking]

Requested by an amazing  anon on tumblr <3 

Josh's place was surprisingly quiet when you walked in, having been newly honored with your own key. Normally he would have music playing, radiating through all the rooms, and he'd be singing right along so loudly you could hear him from outside. But it was quiet–which was a little eerie–and your own footsteps echoed for a second.

"Josh?" you called out. He must have forgotten you two had a date. Go figure, that kid's mind was always in a million places at once.

You thought you heard him say something from his bedroom, barely audible. You made your way to the door but it was already open, and you peered past to see Josh relaxing back on his bed, half-propped up with one elbow pressed against the mattress. His pants were just down enough for you to see him stroking himself, his hand moving up and down slowly, the suction sounds of lube on skin audible then.

You pressed your back flat against the wall outside the room, hiding. It wasn't as if you hadn't seen his dick before, it just felt like such an invasion of privacy. Still, you couldn't deny that walking in on him like that kind of turned you on. You felt your heart race a little bit, the thrill of the invasion far more exquisite than the slight awkwardness of it.

"Josh," you called out again. "You know we had plans, right?"

"Oh, what the fuck," Josh yelled. "You're early, you know."

"I'm like five minutes early," you replied, stepping into the room.

Josh had already pulled his pants back up and he was starting to zip up again. "This is what I get for giving you a key."

"Don't let me stop you," you said, leaning against the doorway. "Keep going."

He looked up at you, one eyebrow slightly raised in surprise, then he grinned a little. "Really?"

You nodded, taking it upon yourself to sit in the chair across the room after moving it just a bit closer to the bed–you wanted a good view. "I wanna see you finish."

Josh smiled. "So voyeuristic." He started to pull his pants down again.

You held your hand up. "Wait–shirt first."

He took it off a little slowly, tantalizing you with seeing his skin little by little, your eyes going to his abdomen the minute you could see it. He sat up and moved to the end of the bed, facing you head-on. "Is this good?"

You scanned over his body again, imagining yourself kissing up his little happy trail, gliding your tongue up his abdomen, kissing your way across his chest to nip at the taut muscles of his biceps. You almost felt yourself salivating just looking at him, the way his tan, smooth skin practically glowed.

"That's great," you assured him, your eyes moving up to his face. He looked so cute–his cheeks were a little flushed and he was looking at you with soft doe eyes, shiny and dark, just waiting for you to keep telling him what to do.

Josh slid his pants off then, kicking them away from his feet and leaving them crumpled on the floor. He still had his briefs on but his still-hard cock was evident beneath it, and he started to reach past the fabric for it.

"Stroke yourself through your underwear," you instructed. You were getting even more turned on watching him as he obeyed you. Wetness was churning inside you, seeping out little by little, and your nipples were already hard under your own shirt.

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