Don't Get Behind Me // Jake & Danny

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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Danny Wagner

Word Count: ~2k

Warnings: none apart from some references to past sexual experiences, a lot of flirting and teasing and allusions to the future ;)

You (well, a couple of you--God bless) asked for it. I'm here to deliver it: one of the most underrated pairings out there. I really do love Jake & Danny together, not only because their very endearing size difference but because of their IRL freindship & very apparent affection for one another (platonically/brotherly speaking! I do not think these two actually get it on, although I enjoy writing about it).

I might not be back to writing GVF with a bang, but I'm back nonetheless. I hope you enjoy.


Jake hadn't been up early enough to see the sun rise in ages, not intentionally, anyway. It was higher in the sky now, its soft, golden light piercing through the ruffled plumes of slick green leaves, everything around him seeming to dance a little with the warm breeze of the summer morning. It felt nice, the air smooth against his skin, the warmth just intense enough to cause a sweat to break out over his forehead and upper lip, his limbs loose as he followed the narrow dirt trail. It was too narrow for two people to be side by side, so Danny was leading, dressed in a smattering of bright red and deep purple, his hair tied back in a ponytail. It was actually a little amusing, Jake pondered, how Danny sort of was like a horse in this scenario, only Jake wasn't riding him. That'd only happened--

No, he wasn't going to think about that. Not the time or place.

"Oh shit," Danny remarked, his voice carrying back to Jake as he turned around. "Ready for the uphill climb?"

Jake looked ahead at the hill they were about to go up. It looked steep, and he could already see roots tangled everywhere in the ground, poking out of the ground like bony, broken fingers. "Um." He peeked over at the other side--same thing. Steep and full of roots, a prime zone to trip and fall. Just what neither of them needed. "Well. I suppose we have to, right?"

Danny smiled; Jake felt his spine straighten unconsciously, like just that flash of teeth and the sparkle in Danny's warm eyes was enough to make him feel more ready than his body may have been. It's not like he was out of shape, it's just that he was out of sync with hiking. There hadn't been a lot of time for that for a while and while he'd missed the old hippie days of frolicking in the woods with no fucks given, other things had always seemed to take precedence. An early morning in the woods with Danny was a rarity.

Actually, had that ever happened before? Just the two of them? Jake tried to reflect as Danny led the way, his longer legs giving him the advantage of scaling more ground than Jake could in the few seconds they started to ascend. Danny's height also meant he had to hunker down a bit as he climbed, bending at the knees, his hips angled, thighs and calves flexing. Jake's eyes moved to Danny's ass in those red shorts--how could he not look? Besides, If Danny turned around and caught him looking, he'd only blush, laugh and carry on as if it was old news. Because it was. And Jake didn't mind feeding his drummer some extra attention every once in a while.

He didn't feel the thick root beneath his foot until it was too late and his ankle was twisting and his legs were giving out beneath himself, his body betrayed by his mind and eye wandering. The grunt that left his lips echoed in his ears as he crashed to the dirt, landing with a dull thud against the cool ground. He felt twisted and sore instantly, his arms crushed beneath himself and one leg tucked up, knee bent, the awkward and embarrassing pain skewing his sense of time, making it feel like forever until Danny was right next to him.

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