Strawberries & Cream // Jake & Danny *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert! [oral sex; fingering; unprotected penetrative sex; basically PWP; it's a threesome, y'all] 18+ only!

Damn, I feel like I've been working on this forever. Initially ​a tumblr friend got the request for the Jake & Danny threesome but she very kindly handed it over to me; I got word from the anon that that was fine, so here. We. Are. Finally! I really hope you all enjoy this. Jake & Danny are an extremely underrated pairing!

Danny's kisses–so tender and deep–were owning you. Not that that was ever a challenge–the crush you'd had on him had developed into more sincere feelings, lust and adoration and everything in between–and his tongue sliding over yours as his hands traveled down your waist were making you shiver. You were just reaching up to thread your fingers through his hair when you felt your thigh straddled and another, smaller being loomed over you, then Danny's mouth was gone and Jake's was there, just as tender but more hesitant as he kissed you.

You touched his hair instead, your fingertips carefully grazing his temples; he held the side of your face and rested his other hand flat on your abdomen. His lips were sugar-spun, a leftover confection from the smoothies you'd all shared not long before–who would have guessed that going out for such an innocent drink and innocent, friendly outing would lead to something so utterly sinful?

Well, no, it wasn't a sin. But a threesome wasn't something you'd ever thought would really happen, even if you had thought about with Danny and Jake. You couldn't help it–you liked them both. You wanted them both. And those thoughts had a way of creeping into your deepest daydreams and returning to you at night, when you'd touch yourself and think of not one of them, but the two of them.

You giggled a little against Jake's mouth and he pulled back, dark eyes fixed on yours. "What?"

You pet his hair back from his forehead, admiring his face. "Nothing–you taste sweet."

"Strawberry," Danny chimed in, standing up and taking his shirt off. Oh–it was really happening. "I can still taste it on your lips after he kisses you."

"A crime," Jake replied with a snort, giving you a quick kiss before sitting up, then looked at Danny. "You're already getting naked?"

Danny snorted then. "Not naked. It's hot in here."

Was that his way of being smooth? You laughed a little. It didn't matter–you were more than happy to see and feel Danny shirtless; Jake too, so you sat up and started to unbutton his shirt, leaning forward to kiss his neck. His skin was so supple and soft, and you found yourself enchanted, perhaps even more so when Danny settled in behind you and gently curtained your hair back, kissing your neck softly. Jake shrugged his shirt off himself and then yours was being pulled over your head by both of them, two pairs of unparalleled hands caressing your bare skin.

It was all very exploratory–your hands were on Jake's shoulders and chest to feel his slight bones in his collar, his sternum, the little hard nipples that, upon your fingers brushing over them, he gasped quietly and inched even closer to you. Danny's hands were rubbing your shoulders softly, his mouth partially obstructed by your hair again but he was still managing to pepper your neck and collar with kisses; you reached down to grip his thigh, leaned back into him to feel his warm chest against your back, while Jake cupped and gently squeezed your breasts.

Amidst more kisses and soft touches, all clothes were off and on the floor. You pulled Danny on top of you as you laid on your back; he moved to lie against your side, one strong leg hooking over yours, and Jake followed on the other side of you, his entire body draped over your left leg and his form bending over so his lips could make contact with your neck. Both of them offered so much warmth of gentleness there and elsewhere–Danny was always giving you the sweetest smiles, gracing your waist with a delicate touch of his hand, while Jake so often gave you these soft looks with shadowed eyes, and his fingers laid just barely touching over yours. The way they were in bed was proving to be just as careful and kind, though you could feel the heat–both physical and metaphorical–rising between all three of you as the moments ticked onward.

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