Jingle Bells // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Happy early Christmas!

Warnings: smut, 18+ read at your own discretion.


"Wait, come here," Josh said to you, snickering as he took your hand and led you away from the rest of your coworkers and down the stairs into the lobby, the strand of silver bells around his neck jingling as he walked.

"Josh, I think the party is upstairs," you reminded him, but let him take you down anyway. You had seen how many drinks he had–only two–so perhaps, you thought, it was just him getting swept away by the Christmas spirit of it all.

He shushed you and took you down the hall. "I have it on good authority that there's a Christmas elf somewhere in this building."

"You mean you?"

Josh laughed loudly, tossing his head back, then stopped in front of the glass door to the back of the building, allowing for a clear view of the piles of snow under the street lamps. "Mistletoe, Y/N," he said, holding both your hands and pulling you into him, looking above the two of you.

You followed his gaze–someone had indeed placed mistletoe in the doorway. An obscure place to put it and for a moment you wondered if Josh had put it there himself, but then you had to ask yourself where he found a ladder to get up there.

"Huh," you said, looking up at it still. "Someone really wanted to be festive."

"I think it's perfect," Josh said.

"How'd you even find it?"

He shrugged, grinning. "Sometimes I wander."

You smiled. "Of course you do."

Josh sighed and wrapped his arms around you. "I just wanted to get away from everyone for a bit," he said, nuzzling your neck. "And have some alone time with my girl."

"Well, I don't think our coworkers would have any interest in seeing this anyway," you replied and kissed the top of his head, holding him tight against you. It was still a little weird for you to be in a workplace relationship, but you had to admit that you liked having it be a secret. Josh would lightly skate his fingertips across your shoulder when he went past your desk; you two would walk to go get lunch together; he would bring you coffee in the morning; simple things that were just between you and him, that always made you look forward to the day.

It was a sweet, new relationship and you were excited. The thought of dating a coworker had never appealed to you, in fact you had tried to avoid it in the past, but Josh was so different. He was fun and kind, and you two were always able to make each other laugh when either one of you were having a bad day. You knew you were special to one another.

He gently took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours, running his fingers through your hair as he slowly pulled away. "What do you want for Christmas?"

You thought for a moment, humming to yourself. "Nothing in particular. I'm pretty content. What do you want?"

"I just wanna be with you," Josh answered, kissing you again. You sighed, placing your hands on his waist, and kissed him back eagerly, sliding your tongue into his mouth. He did the same, sliding his hands down your waist and to your hips, then coerced you back against the wall, his kisses becoming more feverish.

"Wait," you said quietly, pulling away. "We can't make out in the hallway. Someone will see us."

Josh looked around, his cheeks flushed, then smiled as his eyes traveled to the storage closet. He took your hand and quickly pulled you inside–it was dark and you saw nothing, only able to feel a mop bucket and a shelf behind you, until he pulled on a string hanging from the ceiling, and the closet was illuminated by a single light bulb.

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