Sweetest Smiles // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert! [oral sex; fingering; unprotected sex; car sex wooo] 18+, read at your own discretion.

This seemed like less of a request and more of a great gesture of validation and love from an anon, so thank you very much. This is another one for us tall gals! I will gladly take a pounding from Danny in an econoline van any goddamn day. Also, the title ended up being so unrelated to the actual setting because all of my Danny smut is far more centered around his absolute beauty than anything else.

"Danny, why are you driving this thing?" you asked, jostling in your seat as he abruptly pulled around the curb and you had to grip the door just to steady yourself. The econoline van was totally imposing and reeked of stale cigarettes and old oil, yet seeing Danny drive it–not gracefully but still steadily–was turning you on despite it all.

"I'm delivering it to my uncle," Danny told you, furrowing his brow as he rounded another corner. "He bought it but couldn't get out to it in time. I dunno, I guess he's gonna try and resell it."

"Seems pointless to me," you said, shutting the vent down so the hot air would stop blowing on you, making your nose itch.

"Too warm?" Danny asked, glancing over at you while his hands still flexed around the steering wheel.

"No, I'm okay," you told him, then turned around to look in the back, the rest of the van devoid of seats. On the carpet, a few stains lingered, of what you couldn't be sure, and there was an empty Pepsi can that seemed to have rolled out from under your or Danny's seat and was clacking around as he drove.

You turned back to look at Danny–your companion, your man–and felt yourself getting even more turned on with his image alone. His knuckles protruded a little as he gripped the steering wheel harder, then relaxed, those knuckles directing your attention up to his hands, the teal veins running rivers under his skin. You knew what magic those hands worked on you, how lovingly they caressed and how smooth they felt over your body. His hands led to his arms, sheathed in a long sleeved tee but the muscles underneath still evident, rippling and hard, and then finally to his face. That beautiful, carved-by-the-gods face that he knew you loved so much. You would tell him and he would blush every time, and you would kiss him and he would smile against your mouth and laugh a little.

When Danny turned his head to glance at you again, his piercing eyes met yours and you started to ache.

"Danny, you know how we tried to have sex in both of our cars?" you mentioned, sounding unnecessarily casual. You knew econoline van sex was going to happen even if you straight up asked, but building up to it was, perhaps, a way to tease him as much as you felt you were being teased.

He laughed. "Yeah, which didn't work either time."

"We are both very tall," you affirmed, then reached your hand over to squeeze his thigh. "Which I love. And now you have this huge van–"

He smirked but kept his eyes on the road. "Should we–?"

You smirked back and squeezed his thigh harder. "Can we?"

Danny moaned so quietly it was barely audible when your hand traveled to his inner thigh, letting your fingertips slip over his crotch. "Well, it's dark out," he said, shifting in his seat. "And there's an empty parking lot right over there, actually."

When he pulled in you immediately unbuckled your seatbelt and crawled into the back, propping yourself up on your elbows. Danny followed, locking the doors before crawling to you, hovering over you.

"You look so good in the moonlight," you said, pulling him down into a kiss, not caring about what stains you were pressing yourself down into.

Danny did what you knew he would–smiled against your kiss and laughed quietly, then met your kiss with just as much desire. He sat back, flattening himself on the floor of the van and pulled you on top of him. "I don't want you on the dirty floor."

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