Mine Forever // Danny x Sam *smut*

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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka

Word Count: ~11k (pretty sure this is my longest GVF oneshot ever–buckle up)

Warnings: POV switches; 420 blaze it; drinking; angst; manipulation/intimidation/coercion; drunk sex; restraints; dubious consent; biting; first time anal fingering & unprotected anal sex; bottom!Danny; fluffy ending. 18+ only + don't like it, don't read it!

Partially inspired by "Make You Mine" by Madison Beer. Featuring circa 2022 Sam and Danny; a classic tale of lost friendship, except Sam is a little psycho and Danny is a little whipped. Hope you enjoy <3

It just wasn't fair. That was the resounding thought in Sam's mind. The same phrase echoed over and over like a metronome, until the blood rushing in his ears was finally loud enough to drown it out. The thought had been louder than even the music emanating from the speakers around him, around the rest of the crowd; louder than the vocalist who Sam could never remember the name of because he didn't matter, because none of them mattered.

The only one on that stage that mattered was Danny, Sam's crown jewel. Or so he thought. He coveted Danny in his mind like he was a precious jewel, so rare and fine and beautiful. He looked like one, really–all dark and gorgeous, his skin and eyes catching the lights, every movement of his muscles like the cut of a gemstone.

Sam used to hate going to these shows. He hated being stuck in the hot, sweaty and obnoxious crowds just to try and watch Danny. He used to get high or drunk or both to try and make it better–he eventually learned that that just made it worse. After enough of them though, now Sam felt oblivious to the throngs of people around him. The random touches of strangers felt like nothing; the scent of stale beer and ripe sweat dissipated once Danny was on stage; he heard nothing but his own heartbeat and the heartbeat of those vital drums, and felt nothing but the chaotic coiling and snapping of desire and anger and heartbreak.

Internally, he was a mess every time he did this to himself. The emotions were so intense even when he wasn't in Danny's presence; when he was in the same room as Danny, they intensified tenfold and sometimes Sam wondered how he could even remain functional.

But tonight, at his twelfth show, because, yes, he'd been keeping track, Sam felt more functional than ever. He felt vibrant and awake–his eyes were fixed on his target without ever breaking, not even when some clumsy oaf spilled beer on his arm or when a girl tried to shove her way in front of him to see past him. He was ready–he had to be, because he finally had a plan.

After the show, Sam stayed back. Instead of doing what he normally did–sitting in his car with his hands gripping the wheel tight, body frozen as images of Danny flashed behind his eyes, until he finally felt his muscles loosen up–he propped himself against his car, standing beneath a single light in the parking lot that was being assaulted by mosquitoes and moths. He knew this parking lot well–it was the fifth time Danny and his band had played at this venue. They were getting more successful though, and quickly–soon, Sam knew, they'd be playing even more shows elsewhere, in too many different cities, and while Sam knew he had the wherewithal to follow along forever, he wanted a satisfying ending and he wanted one now.

The venue wasn't big or special enough to have much of a barrier between band parking and regular. It was kind of funny, actually–just a strip of orange cones separating concert goers from the band's two vans, innocuous and plain, just sitting out there in the open. They were totally visible to Sam; Danny would see him too once he came out from backstage.

It wasn't like Danny would be totally blindsided. Sam had been planting seeds for a long time now, ever since he discovered Danny was officially in a band. A band that took themselves seriously, anyway. They had been just starting out–Sam immediately plastered himself to all of their social media, liking every post, saving every picture where Danny was at the forefront. At first, he wondered if it made him look pathetic. The band was the only reason he and Danny's friendship had diminished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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