Summer Sweat // Danny Wagner *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert! [fingering; unprotected sex] 18+, read at your own discretion.

I got a request for some vanilla summer loving with Danny–thank you so much for your request! It's such a rare treat to write Danny requests! I actually wrote this before his instagram story but there's been some discussion over his ass, so the timing works out. For all you nonbelievers...I hope you enjoy.

"So fresh, so clean," you remarked to Danny, watching him as he unwrapped the big blue beach towel from around his waist and used it to ruffle his hair at his temples, tilting his head and smiling at you. You leaned back on the bed and smiled back, feeling pretty fresh and clean yourself after sloughing away the residue of sand and muck, lake water and sunscreen, and were able to bask in cool air conditioning.

"I don't like the sunscreen that Sam brought," Danny replied, inspecting himself in the mirror for a moment before catching your eye in the reflection and winking.

"You two are such an old married couple," you said, scooting forward on the bed. You reached out and grabbed his ass, squeezing. "This is new."

Danny snorted. "I've always had a good ass."

"Yeah, but this is still new," you insisted, giving him another squeeze. There was a new surface tucked away underneath the fine layer of fat–more muscle. When he turned to the side, it was even more apparent. "If you don't watch it, you're gonna have a Josh ass."

He laughed loudly and covered you with the damp towel. "No."

You tore the towel away from yourself and wrapped it around his backside, pulling him on top of you. He came down with a quiet grunt and made sure to prop himself up on his palms so he didn't crush you, then he brought the tip of his nose to yours. You flashed a wicked grin and reached down to his ass again but, as you were opening your mouth to make another loving and astute remark about it, Danny captured your lips with his.

You brought your hands up to his face, sliding your thumb over his jaw, your fingers threading through the wet strands of hair by his ear. Even with your kisses melting together and your skin becoming hypersensitive with the cold juxtaposed by Danny's insane warmth all over you, you managed to notice his cock hardening against your thigh–so hard, so hot.

Lifting your hips as best you could, spreading your legs so he could shift his body and rest between them, you slipped the tip of your tongue against his. Danny moaned softly and moved up, pressing his groin against yours. It was too easy–the A/C, his damp, warm skin and both of your already-naked bodies. You had a brief thought of what a waste, since you'd need to shower again after with how much he'd sweat even with the A/C, then he nibbled on your bottom lip and you remembered it would be worth it.

His right hand moved to squeeze and massage your breast and he lowered himself even more as he did so, letting himself lie completely on top of you. You wrapped one leg around him and thrust your hips up again, feeling the head of his cock slide over your heat. You'd been horny for hours–something about being in water always did that to you, made even harder to bear if Danny was there with you. He was sort of built like a swimmer, sort of like the drummer he had grown into being–broad, strong shoulders connecting to defined, hard biceps, firm pecs and a solid, smooth abdomen all down to sturdy quads that led right back up to a firm yet perfectly squeezable ass.

"Alright," Danny said, breaking free of your kisses and flipping his damp hair back. "I'm hanging off the edge here."

You'd hardly noticed that both your pairs of legs were lazing over the edge of the mattress, too distracted by his lips and tongue and soft touch. He sat up and you moved back up the bed, leaning back against a cushion of pillows, and he met you there with another smooth, deep kiss. His hands, however, had become suddenly more willful, running down your waist and pushing your thighs apart in one movement. He brought one back up to your chest, tracing a curved line with the tip of his finger before cupping your breast and running his thumb over your nipple.

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