Between Us III // Sam & Danny *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert!! [some dirty talking; fingering; oral sex; facial; cum-swapping, sort of; unprotected sex; fairly heavy m/m action, so fair warning!] 18+ read at your own discretion.

This part of my personal fantasy is almost completely centered around one specific scene, so to speak, and I'm sure it's not hard to guess which scene that is. I don't really know what to say other than that–I love Danny and Sam together and the more I fantasize about this (so literally every night), the more attached to the idea of them as a unit I become. I think this is hot as fuck, I hope you do too!

"That's cheating!" Sam shrieked, practically lifting himself clean off the bed. Your and Danny's plan of buying him dinner–all part of the gentle coercion which led to all of you in your bedroom–was not working exactly as you'd hoped. "Screw you guys! I'm busy for one night and you fuck? That's not fair."

You looked to Danny, who was snickering quietly behind his hand from his corner of the mattress. "Sam, we had the rule of no sex without all three of us," you reminded him. "We didn't really have sex."

"You guys did hand stuff! And you both came," Sam retorted, glaring at Danny. "That's sex. You cheated."

"Hey, we didn't cheat," Danny told him, jostling Sam's shoulder. "We were both just–in need?"

You nodded. "We would have consulted you but, like you said, you were busy."

Sam scoffed and crossed his arms, shrugging Danny away. "Over the clothes or not, you both fucked, essentially."

"Oh come on, that's not fucking," you replied, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his cheek. "We wouldn't wanna fuck without you, Sammy."

He humphed, arms still crossed under you, and tossed his head back. "I'm upset."

"Aw, Sammy, I'm sorry," you cooed, stroking his hair. "What can we do?"

"Yeah, Sammy," Danny chimed in, also starting to stroke his hair, the three of you piled in the center of your bed. "What can we do?"

"I know what we'll do," Sam said, wiggling out of your arms and holding your face in his hands, looking into your eyes. "We're gonna see who you like better."

"Hey!" Danny interrupted. "That's not fair and you know it."

"I love both of you the same," you insisted, jabbing Sam in the ribs. "In different ways."

"Fine, not who you like better," Sam said. "Who can get you off better."

You went to protest but then Sam's lips were on yours, hurried and a little rough, but you leaned into him, snaking your fingers through his hair. You were pushed down onto the bed, Sam climbing on top of you, then Danny was being shoved off the bed by Sam's foot.

Before you or Danny could protest, Sam declared, "Sit in the chair, Daniel, it's my turn now. You're going to have to wait."

Danny seemed to let Sam's antagonistic ways roll off his back, simply responding with, "You're so jealous," and sitting in the office chair on the other side of the room, facing you two.

Sam ignored that and went back to kissing you as his hands roamed over your body, yours doing the same on his. You reached down for the hem of his sweater, pulling it over his head, and he leaned back down, his hair cascading over you and most definitely obstructing Danny's view of the action.

He started to yank down your pants and, once they were down around your knees, he slid his hand between your legs and rubbed you through your underwear. "You'll let me eat you out, right?" he asked, his dark eyes shiny and eager. "I want Danny to know I'm better at it."

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