Every Flower // Josh Kiszka

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Warnings: none–pure fluff!

Thank you so much to the sweetest angel ​for this request! I am such a hoe for domesticity and so in love with Josh–daydreaming this is absolutely perfect. And apparently I really associate the twins with flowers. I hope you enjoy ~

You could almost believe you were in a different place, a totally different world, with "California Dreamin'" playing from the speakers, the melody bouncing through all the rooms. The sun was bursting through the windows, motivating you to clean faster–you wanted to get it all done and you had to get it all done–so you and Josh could get out into the summer sun you'd both waited so long for.

He came up behind you, humming along with the flute, and shimmied his hips as he grabbed the broom from the corner of the kitchen and started to sweep.

"Y/N, you better watch out," he warned, flashing you a grin, his cheeks a little pink from all the excursion of the morning of cleaning. "I don't wanna sweep all this dust into you, my darling."

You went past him to get the Windex from underneath the sink, squeezing his hip as you went. "Fine, then I'll try to get even more light in."

He sang along to the song in response, dutifully sweeping up long-lost dust, crumbs and bits of dirt. You two were better at having one big day of cleaning versus constantly cleaning up your messes–not that you were slobs, but eventually you both would realize you may have been too neglectful of the little things and a few hours of carefully concentrated housework was in order.

You could easily remember all the countless times you'd had to do all the cleaning entirely on your own. You would still put on music and try to get into it, but eventually singing along to songs all by yourself got lonely. The longer it went on, the sadder the songs became, and you would sometimes find yourself abruptly leaning against the counter or taking a seat on the living room floor and sighing to yourself, dreaming of a life of romantic domesticity, as cliche as it was.

When Josh had come along, he really had felt like a dream. Zany, high-energy, always laughing and making noise–you'd been intrigued by him immediately. At first you weren't sure if you just wanted to be friends with him because you admired him so much, but the more time you spent with him, the more this little crush grew and your heart burst whenever you were around him.

The first kiss had been a dream too. You had both been in his car after running errands together, something you got such a rush over–it was domestic! It was with Josh! He could make anything exciting, including perusing for produce–and Scott McKenzie's "San Francisco" was playing on his stereo. Seemingly out of nowhere, Josh had placed a quick peck on your lips and pulled back bashfully, biting his lip a little as he waited for your reaction which was, of course, to kiss him right back.

With the windows done, you decided to clean up the living room–there were discarded cups that needed to be washed and clutter all around that was begging to be straightened and stowed away in more appropriate places. Josh had finished sweeping and was then wiping down the kitchen counters, still humming along to the music.

With a sly smile, you went over to his phone that was hooked to the stereo and changed the song to the one with that fondest memory. As it began to play, you moved closer to the kitchen so you could watch for his reaction–at the twinkling of the chimes, he perked up and turned around, smiling at you.

"Are you gonna wear flowers in your hair?" you asked him, returning to the kitchen and wrapping your arms around his neck, the two of you starting to sway.

"For you? Of course," Josh answered, dark eyes twinkling in tandem with the song. "Whether or not we're ever in San Francisco." He hummed more and ran his hands down your waist to your hips and sang, "Summertime will be a love-in there."

You danced slowly, primarily just swaying, and Josh rested his head on your shoulder and held you closer. His humming vibrated against your neck and into your ears; you started to hum quietly back, occasionally singing along so softly that no one else but him would have been able to hear it.

You kissed the top of his head, his overgrown curls scented of spring greenery and amber, and rested your chin there to let his hair tickle your skin and continue to breathe in the scent you loved so much, the scents that really were like home.

Josh gently eased back and looked at you, his eyes sparkling as the smile grew on his face again. Those rosy cheeks killed you–he was so adorable that sometimes you struggled to believe he was even human.

"Love you, Y/N," he chirped, kissing you softly and quickly.

You tilted his jaw up with your fingers underneath it gently, pressing your lips to his. "Love you too," you told him as you broke the kiss. "My beautiful flower."

He laughed and squeezed your hips. "No, that's what I call you!"

"Why can't it be for both of us?" you protested, smirking and holding onto his waist.

"Fine, it can be for both of us," he agreed, his grin waning into a gentle, soft smile as he gazed into your eyes. "What kind of flower do you think I am?"

You thought on it, reaching up and toying with his curls. "Maybe a dahlia? I mean, it makes sense with your hair," you mused, twisting a curl between your fingers, gently running your other hand down his waist. "Maybe a daffodil."

Josh gasped a little and laughed, throwing his head back. "A daffodil? I like that." He started to sway to the music again, placing his palms on your lower back. "Why a daffodil?"

"You just strike me as a daffodil," you said, tilting your head and studying his face. "You're pure sunshine."

He giggled and beamed at you, returning his head to your shoulder as you both continued to sway, the scent of his hair, his skin and the various cleaning products you'd both used that day swimming through your nose. You pressed your nose into his curls to try and block out the cleaning products; Josh sighed and squeezed you closer to himself.

"You're every flower," he declared, nuzzling your neck. "In fact, Y/N–I think both of us make up an entire garden."

"I agree," you replied with a smile to yourself, letting the two of you hold one another a minute longer before slowly pulling back, keeping both your hands on each other's waists. "Should we finish up so we can actually go out and be with the trees and the flowers?"

Josh straightened up and gave you a salute. "Yes ma'am."

You laughed and kissed his cheek, even more eager to get everything sparkling clean than before. You were completely ready for both of you to immerse yourselves in the summer sun and the fresh air, to walk along grassy paths and admire all the flowers and pick out which ones reminded you of each other, all while knowing that Josh was an entire garden all on his own.

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