Headfirst // Josh Kiszka *SMUT*

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Warnings: smut alert! [outdoor fingering & oral sex] 18+ only.

This sort of fulfills two requests, one I got a couple months back and one  just the other day--apparently wanting to be neighbors with Josh is legit! I really loved writing this fic, it was one that I could picture very vividly--I hope you all enjoy!


You just wanted to enjoy the sun in solitude for a bit, but your neighbor had other ideas--he was in nothing but a pair of loose white shorts, which was questionable for more than one reason, and sprawled out on his back in the middle of the lawn, right under the afternoon sun. That would have been fine, and in fact he gave you a fantastic view--he was cute. Super cute, actually, with those sunkissed, bouncy curls like a halo around him and all that smooth, tan skin shining with lotion, plus the smile on his face to no one and nothing but the sky as he lounged with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. A good view. A view that made something gently swirl in your belly.

That all would have been fine, enjoyable even, except he blasted music from a little speaker on the slope of grass above him. It just sat there, pounding out tunes that drowned out the birds and even another neighbor's lawn mower, and it was like that every day that the sun was out and he apparently wasn't at work. It made you wonder--what did he do for work? Because during your free time you were also out there, but he was out there a lot. Must be nice.

You couldn't even focus on your book. You tried, you really did, but the tribal drums, loud wails and sounds of--a rainstick, maybe? were far too distracting for you to hold your focus. The music was so loud and colorful on that little speaker, you were stunned that this kid could even focus on his own mental peace. But when you stood up from your deck chair and peered over the fence, he was still on his back soaking up the sun, that little smile still on his face as the breeze ruffled his hair.

He probably wouldn't even be able to hear you over the music, but you were getting hotter and hotter with irritation, not just the sunshine, so you went over to the fence with your book still in hand.

"Hey!" you shouted and the shouting alone made you even more irritated. You waited for a moment but he didn't move, didn't even twitch, so you leaned over the fence even more, the wood digging into your abdomen. "Hey!"

He opened his eyes and blinked at the trees overhead, then turned his cheek and looked at you. Was he going to say anything?

You waved him over. "Can I talk to you?" If that would even be possible.

He slowly got to his feet and stretched a little, then sauntered--literally sauntered, with his hips swaying a bit and this air of obnoxious nonchalance about him, like he literally had no care in the world--over to the fence. He smiled a huge, dazzling white smile and stretched his hands out to the fence, arching his back as he bent down and then looked up at you. "How are you, Y/N?"

How was his hearing not wrecked? "I'm okay Josh, just--Jesus, your music is really loud," you told him. You were starting to feel a little guilty then, like maybe you were being dramatic and other neighbors would have just let this fly but--no! No, you were being reasonable. The music was way too loud and you couldn't concentrate, couldn't hear yourself think, and couldn't take an entire summer like this. Any other neighbor would call the cops for a noise complaint. You were being reasonable and you would not be dissuaded by his cuteness.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, his smile falling but then he laughed. "Shit. My hearing is kind of shot, so I don't even notice. I'll turn it down."

"Thanks. I'm just--trying to read," you explained, holding up your book. "It's my day off."

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