Your Person // Josh Kiszka

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Warnings: none–fluff! All the Josh fluff!

Requested by a sweet anon on tumblr, thank you! 

GIF credit to @dannywagners on tumblr 

"So," Josh began gently, drawing out the word. "How's it going?"

You gave him a slightly insincere smile. It had been a rough week, to say the least, after your relationship of nearly two years had completely–finally–fallen apart. Not that you hadn't seen it coming, but it still hurt. You'd spent most nights since crying, both confused and upset with yourself and your ex, and wishing you hadn't been so stupid.

But you knew you weren't really stupid. It was just a part of life and, like everything else, you would move on from it. Josh helped–he'd been checking up on you since you told him, though it was the first time since it happened that you'd agreed to actually go out with him, and his laughter alone was enough to start soothing the ragged fibers of your heart.

You shrugged. "Getting there, I guess."

Josh nodded. "One day at a time."

You sighed. "It's like, two years for what? I feel like I wasted all that time."

"You had a lot of good times, right?" Josh asked. "I mean, you spent two years with this person for a reason."

You were really glad to be the only two around, sitting in the grass with Josh running his hands through it, you plucking blades of grass out and fiddling with them. You sighed heavily, feeling the dense weight in your chest that threatened tears, and cleared your throat as you looked up at the sky.

"I'm not even mad at him. Things weren't good for a while," you told Josh. It felt good to really be talking about it, especially with him. "I feel like I'm mad at myself for being upset. Like, when did things get so hard?"

Josh nodded.

"I know we're both young, Josh," you went on. "But don't you ever just really want to find that one person that makes you feel like–like that's just it? Like the search is over?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Josh replied quietly.

You glanced at Josh then looked quickly to the grass. You never understood why Josh was always single–whenever you pointed out other girls, he never showed any real interest. He'd been on dates and been around but never anything serious, and never anything for too long. Yet he was the sweetest, funniest, brightest guy you knew and you felt any girl would be so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. You felt you would be lucky if you had someone like Josh by your side.

It actually made you feel a little hopeless about yourself. If even Josh couldn't find someone, how could you?

"Do you feel like you'll find your person?" you asked him, meeting his eyes again.

Josh offered you a small smile. "I don't know. Maybe they need to find me first."

"They will," you assured him. "You're too special to ever be alone."

"So are you," he countered.

You waved your hand at that, dismissing him. "I don't feel very special right now, but thank you."

Josh put his hand on your knee. "You are special, Y/N." He ran his hand down your shin, his eyes following his own movement. "You're so special to me. Do you know that?"

You managed a smile. Josh was always good at making you feel loved. "Yeah, I know, Josh. Thanks."

He sighed and rested his cheek on your knee, his hand resting on your calf. "I think I found my person," he said. "But I don't know if she's found me."

You started to play with his hair, trying not to answer the question yourself despite an insight growing inside you. "Who is it?"

There was a considerable pause before he sat up, removing his hand, and sighed again. "This is really bad timing. I'm sorry."

Was it really happening then, after so long? You tilted your head a little, raising your eyebrows. "What is it?"

He tugged at his bottom lip, looking past you, up toward the sky. The moment felt so heavy, you just sitting there perplexed while Josh was suddenly quiet and flustered; then he moved closer to you, resting at your side, and reached up to turn your face to him.

Before you could say or do anything, Josh's lips were on yours–soft yet hurried–and two seconds later they were off, though his hand was still caressing your cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he said when you didn't respond, only able to look at him, your cheek blazing. He took his hand away and sat back on the grass, almost looking like he was getting ready to get up. "I'm sorry."

Perplexed and in a slight daze, you broke your stare at the grass to look to Josh, whose cheeks were also red, his brow furrowed and eyes wide. "Josh–" you said, then laughed a little. "I don't even know."

He seemed to ease up after you laughed, and he settled back down next to you. "Bad timing, see?"

"No, not that–I still don't understand," you admitted, not because you didn't understand what he was saying but because you didn't understand why it'd never clicked earlier. Why neither of you ever said anything.

Josh took your hand, turning to face you again. "I've tried, Y/N. I've tried to be with other people," he said. "They're not you."

You ran your thumb over his. "You never said anything."

"How could I? I couldn't ruin your relationship, or risk our friendship," Josh answered. "For two years I tried to find someone else but I've only ever been able to think about you."

You exhaled, nodding your head to yourself as you prepared yourself for what you were about to say. "I thought about you a lot, Josh. And not just in a friend way, but in a, 'I wish Josh were here with me instead' kind of way." You took his other hand and sighed. "I wish I'd said something somewhere along the way."

"Really?" he replied, blushing.

"Of course, Josh. You're my best friend," you told him. "And maybe that fact made things more confusing for me but–I wish I didn't spend two years with someone that wasn't you."

Josh smiled. "We still have lots of time. Whenever you're ready, darling," he said, leaning forward and kissing your forehead. "I'll be waiting."

Your cheeks flushed again. You smiled back and pressed your lips to his, letting the kiss linger, soft with love. It felt like something you should have done long ago but Josh still leaned into it, caressing your face carefully, and it was clear then that you were both finally in sync.

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