The Perfect Day

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I turn the music up as we drive around town at 3 am without a care in the world; as long as we are together. Fast flashes of light from fast food joints, bars and other buildings pass by as we zoom down the downtown quiet streets.

"What do you want to do today love?"

Taking my time to think it over I invision a day at the beach watching the sunrise with you by my side.

"Let's go to the beach, I want to see the sunrise over the shore."

I smile knowing that you love my answer. You grab my hand and speed the car up. We spend the rest of the morning driving till 4.Watching the world slowly stirr awake, but not yet up. We stop to get donuts and coffee. Leaning out the window to retrieve our food I notice how stunning you are. Breath taken as always of your visuals.

We make our way to the beach. soon seeing our destination we pick the furthest beach out away from anyone who might by there as well.

"Hey babes, grab the towels out of the back please. Ohh and the, never mind."

I don't question the sudden halt in directions and grab the towels. We set off to the beach in the dark. The instant my toes hit the sand I start running towards the water. Leaving you in the dust. I hear you giggling happily at me from behind. Unaware that you have caught up to me you wrap your arms round my waist and lift me up. The feeling sends butterflies throughout my body, and a shiver down my spine.

Setting me down you look into my eyes. It's silent but it's so comfortable. I can see the whole world and galaxies in your eyes and i never want to look away. You lean in and whisper in my ear

"I love you so much, there's nothing in the world that matters more to me than you. You are my oxygen."

You lift my up only slightly and our lips connect in a warm embrace. Not caring that the ends our our pants get socked in the cold salty water or the chill morning breeze ruffles our hair to a mess.

We get back to the our no longer forgotten towels to sit and take in the view.I love the beach Especially in the morning when its most calm and imperfectly quiet. It's late in the hour now soon to be six yet still relatively dark out. I see you shuffle in your bag as you pull out several small sparklers.

"Here take one, stick it in the sand and light it. I wanna show you something."

I do as you say and see you do the same as well. I step back and notice that in the sand a little out is written 'I love you forever my one and only' around it are rose petals and a picnic basket.

"You did all this for me?"

I ask in awe for the romantic gesture. unaware of how you did it when we were together the whole time. my thoughts were cut off when i hear you respond.

"Of course I knew you loved the beach and would choose it when i had asked earlier. So while you were in the water I quickly set it up."

I smile at that, and lean into you. The sun now reflecting on the water as you kiss me and the day finally coming. My perfect day now exists with me in your arms.


Heyyy this is my first time writing please let me know how I did and if you liked it, and if you have any requests <3


hey yall so i relize how short most of these oneshots are so im rewriting them longer :)))

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