Diamond Blue Eyes pt2

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Guys the other part, I had to take out the rose drawing wattpad took it down 😔😔
-----------------------------------------------------------------Admits the chaos the two lovers hastily get dressed and rush to the upper most deck of the unsinkable ship. They pass by worried passengers and frantic staff. Once Rose and Jacqueline reach the main deck Rose begins her search for the captain.

"Captain!! We heard the noise it was awful. What happened?" Questions soon begin to flood into the minds of the two girls but are silenced and their cores and chilled as ice as they hear his response. "An iceberg. She hit and iceberg and she's sinking Rose. She's sinking. You must get to a lifeboat fast. Do you remember what I told you about the life boats?" The man's terrified question goes unheard as Rose grabs her lovers hand and rushes back into their room.

"Darling grab as many coats as you can it's cold out. Love are you listening?" As the words slip out of her mouth she sees why Jacqueline doesn't answer. Her attention is drawn to her fiance frantically storming down the hallway. "Rose my flower do as I say grab the coats, I'll meet you back on the deck. Yes?" A nod later Rose slips into the room to grab the articles of clothing while Jacqueline quickly runs to the man. "Cal! Cal look at me. The boat is sinking we must get to a lifeboat, yes? They won't let you on do you hear me. But we will not leave you behind. Do as I say after Rose comes out put on a dress and as many layers as possible it is cold outside. We don't have much time meet us back on the deck we'll find a life boat. Now go!" Jacqueline says a Rose emerges from the room.

Grabbing her hand the girls rush up the stairs. The hallways confuse them. The unsteadyness of the boat the lights flicker and the two adolescents hear sniffles and cries. Upon a quick search they find a little girl cowering in a corner. "Hey my sweet. Why are you in the corner?" "Where are your parents?" The two ask "I've lost them!!! I'm so scared!" The young child wails. There's no point in searching for the girls parents they can see she must be one of the lowest class and water by now had filled up to their ankles with them on the second most top deck. "I saw them my sweet but you must come with us now to a boat and then we'll find them from there. Does that sound alright?" "Mmhmm"

Picking up the small child they race to a lifeboat finding cal standing near a boat waiting for the girls "cal take the girl keep her warm. Tell her that her parents are on another boat and she'll be safe with you." As they are about to step on the next lifeboat the unsinkable Titanic wails in agony and breaks further pushing the lifeboats into the water and away from the two youths. "Quick Rose. Come!"

Yet again the two girls rush to the end of the ship. Titanic's rear (lmao idk how to word it) sticking up and out of the water. Almost vertical in the air. On the railing like the first time they met. They stare into each other's eyes. Fear and panic found very prominently. "Rose the force of the boat will pull us under.  Give me your hand. Hold your breath when I say and swim to the surface once you can. One my call one two-" instead of three Jacqueline kisses Rose quickly and the girls are pulled under.

Under the waves Jacqueline hastily searches for her soulmate. Her lungs burn with the need and lack of oxygen. But she spots her a few meters down struggling to swim. Pulling Rose to the surface the two struggle and gasp for air. The freezing water and chill air send sharp cold pain throughout their bodies. Hugging together the girls find a door and climb atop of it. Cuddle together to stay warm and hour must have passed. they feel so weak, losing feeling in their finger tips and toes. They hear a man and see a  light. The man shouts for survivors. Neither can speak. Voices hoarse and cracked from the cold. Rose spots a whistle on a dead man floating by and jumps into the water. Jacqueline desperately tries to grab onto her a pull her back. Rose blares the whistle drawing the rescue teams ear. They shine the light towards Jacqueline and Rose and paddle over pulling them aboard.

Two days later

"Cal you best give me back my sweet or I'll throw you overboard." Rose demands in a playful tone as she grabs the small child. Upon being rescued by a passing by ship the girls receive blankeyand medical help. Jacqueline has slight frostbite in her last finger and Rose a twisted ankle. The crew on board take role of all rescuerees and log them.
-Jacqueline Dawson,
-Cal Hockley,
- Everline Dawson,
- and I'm Rose Dawson"

After the man passes Jacqueline gives her love a puzzled look. "Ms Dawson please take your daughter I have to use the john. I will be back." Rose hands Jacqueline the small giggling child and walks off. "You shouldn't mess with mommy, mother she knows what she's doing." The two remaining adults look down at the small giggling child and coo at the cute family they will become.
To clear somethings up if you're confused. Rose like in the original movie took Dawson as her last name to not be found same as here but here she also claims Jacqueline as her wife and Everline as her child. Her parents died. Cal her fiance is 💅 in my story he is a good person and introduced Rose and Jacqueline I didn't feel like writing that tho lol. But the story isn't about him so I didn't write him with a love interest but he is a big consultant with the two girls and will stay 'family' to them. Hope you liked this one lol

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