getting there pt.1

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Hey y'all, your bitch is back, ummm I'm feeling something. Not 100% but getting there and I thought I'd publish a new chapter please bear with me, I'm trying :) no cuz it's insane how long it's taken me to just barely write this intro 😔.  I finally opened up ab some stuff to my best friend. But I'm still trying to be better. I just missed writing so it took ab hold up lemme check ab a two months to just write this lol but Ima persevere ✌️. No cuz now I'm a sophomore in highschool and this shit is stressful 😹anygayyyys enjoy

(There will be a part two to this)

Getting there is always the fun part. The thrill of the cool wind rustling our hair, speeding past on the long hidden roads. The fresh smell of nature, the greens and bright colors of vegetation. And the crisp look and feel of the world, merely a blur but just as beautiful.

Olivia offered to drive half the way to her parents lake cabin, but to no surprise her girlfriend Kayla refused so there they are. Kayla driving with a pouty Livvy in the passenger seat.

"Why are we stopping, it's dark what if the boggie man ~gets~ us." Olivia teases. Turning down the music and checking the time.

"Close your eyes and you'll see."

"You're not murdering me are you, love?"

Olivia can practically hear Kayla's eye roll.
"No I couldn't dream of hurting a pretty face like yours. That would be a waste. The only thing I wanna murder-"

"Okay! I get it. Shhhhh the boggie man shouldn't hear this things."

"Alright, but you were the one that asked. Wait here, sit pretty, and relax my love. Im here, your safe I promise."

Olivia sits and watches as Kayla sets up a moon lit date with a soft fuzzy blanket in the backseat. A movie on their shared laptop, hot fries, Snickers and butterfly monsters. As their 2am snack.(the BEST snack combo ever you should try ittttt)

Closing the doors and locking them from the boggie man Kayla and Olivia sit in the backseat of their shared jeep gladiator snuggling up close at 2am watching highschool musical. (An early 2000s classic) By the time the movie ends the two are fast asleep and wake up in the mid-afternoon. Being late to check in at the family cabin. 

Looking around Olivia sees Kayla fast asleep in the back still wrapped in the fuzzy blanket from last night. Turning the laptop off and plugging it in Olivia makes her way up front to the driver's seat.

"Lemme drive all the way, it got it, you don't have to do a thing, I won't fall asleep my ass." Olivia giggles to her self finishing the drive to their long weekend getaway. Singing softly along with the radio she barely hears Kayla say

"I heard that Livvy. And that ass is mine."

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