Losers Club

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Ig this is kinda like a IT one but like there's no other girl in it besides Beverly so I'm giving Bev a gf. Lol no way this mofo isn't a lesbian. Bear with me this will be a hot mess.

Bev and Ben walk in the halls going to forth period. Ben had already told Beverly of his crush on her asking to see if she recipocated the feelings. Having been questioning things she told him no. To scared to come out. The two go on to be inseparable. Two pretty best friends one would say. Nothing changed. Ben got over his crush and started dating someone else. Him and Beverly hung out more than ever now too. Mostly listening to new kids on the block and talking of the future outside of Derry. It was just, now, Beverly had no idea how to tell him that she had a crush. On a girl. In their fourth period. Together. Which they were going to right now. Bev had never felt this way for a girl before. Hell never felt this way for anyone before. But her blue eyes, long black hair and strong jaw pulled her in like no other. It truly was the highlight of her day. After the teacher gives their lesson and everyone packs to leave Beverly slips the girl a note.

Your hair is the night sky
December's stars
My heart shines there too
-your secret admirer

"Ben wait up!"

Rushing out the door the two friends leave for lunch. Beverly smiling like a fool.

-leaving school-

"Wanna hang out after school tonight new kid?"

"Can't. Got a project in chem that's due tomorrow. What about Thursday?"

"See you then." And with a flick of the wrist for a salute Bev leaves Ben laughing riding away on his bike.

~Thursday at the library~

Laughing about some joke whichever one made, they couldn't remember form how much laughing they were doing. Clutching their stomachs they quite down walking into the library. Getting solemn Bev stares that her feet glancing to see who was around. Living in a small town and closed minded like Derry rumors and knowledge like being gay can seriously damage someone. Like the losers club's Richie. It was a sad time losing a member in the club to being outed. After it happened things got so bad the he moved to Florida with his grandparents to get away from the mess. So to say Beverly was nervous was an understatement. The friend group was very supportive of the alphabet Mafia so she had no reason to be nervous but yet she was.

"So..uhh, new kid. Can we talk?"


Giving a confused response, Ben nods his head and follows Bev to a secluded section of the library.

"There's something I wanna say. I don't know how you'll react, but please don't do anything weird."

"Okay..? Bev are you good? You're confusing me."


Just as Beverly starts to speak from the corner of her eye she sees her crush. And to make things worse Ben sees, not only Ben but also the girl. Looking over Beverly and her crush make eye contact. Blushing so deeply the said girl giggles, shyly waves and rather clumsily tries to run away but fails in a flustered mess.

"What the hell was that?"

Ben questions looking back and forth from Bev and where the girl was standing a few moments ago. Finally turning back to his best friend he sees her tearing up a bit, starting to cry. Scared. Ben never saw her cry before. The great Beverly Marsh. The girl who stood up against a killer clown demon bullshit thing and abusive father and a shitty school life was crying.

"What the hell?!"



"Ben I have something to tell you."

"You're really starting to scare me what's happeni-"

"I like girls Ben"

Not even barely a whisper, but Ben hears it clear as day.

"I like her Ben... I've always liked girls. It's so scary Ben from soutch. I'm so scared."

Wiping her tears, she composes herself finally looking up at her best friend waiting for the curses of disturbed looks. But it doesn't happen all she sees is a sad smile and kind eyes staring back at her. Surprising her Ben goes in for a hug. Trying his best to comfort her to his best abilities. Ben without a shadow of a doubt is so proud of Beverly for having told him and trusting him enough. He told her so as well. Finally pulling away from each other they both start to laugh again, hating his serious things got.

"Okay but why Ms. Molly Ringwalled did she react like that? Hmmmmm? That has to mean something."

"Wait. Do you even know her name Bev?"

"You know Ben life's too short you shouldn't sweat the small stuff."

And with an eye roll Bev and Ben stand up walking out and making their way to the quarry. To meet up with Stan, Eddie, Bill, and Mike.

-In class on Monday-

Walking in late Bev sits in the back. Ben is sick today so she's sitting by an empty desk on both sides. Just as the second tardy bell rings in runs the black haired main love interest of this one shot story. Looking around she sees Bev smiles and makes her way towards her. Beverly the panicked baby gay she is starts to freak out instantly.

"Hey uhh I'm Sappho. Ummm this is awkward but uh I'm sorry about Thursday I don't what got over me but uhh could I sit here?"

"Y..ya of course. I'm Beverly by the way."

"Ohh, ya I know. Not to sound weird but uh I kinda admire you alot lol."

Giggling lightly and stuttering a soft blush scatters on Sappho's cheeks.

"Ohh, cool. That's so sweet."

"Everyone stop talking. Take out your text books and read chapter 53 to 57,"

The rest drowns out as Beverly becomes immersed by Sappho. In all her glory
————————————————————————— expect a part two in the foreseeable future <333

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