Rainy Day pt2

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This isn't a continuation of the first rainy day oneshot, I just like the rain and there's a thunderstorm at school right now so ya lol

I yelp at the sudden noise from the storm. I'm not scared I actually really love dark rainy days like this but you're around so of course I'm going to act scared just for the hope of some cuddles in my future.

"Awe baby you love the rain, why so jumpy?"

"It just startled me I guess."

I wasn't lying it did but I over exaggerated. But you don't need to know that.

We're driving to the library. I want a new book and you wanted to leave the house so that's where we're going. There's another crash if thunder this time with lightning. We hurry to park and run inside. Standing in the lobby it starts to pour harder than before.

"Guess we're not leaving any time soon."

I nod in agreement and grab for your hand. You pull me into a front hug and boop my nose. You let me go both of us giggling as you snake your arm round my waist as we walk into the actual library part the the building. Another crash can be heard, lights flickering. They dim and soon following the power goes out. I'm not afraid if thunder or lightning or the rain but you know I'm sacred of the dark. My breath hitches as your grip on me tightens and as you pull me closer. Knowing it's you calms my nerves a tad but I'm still in edge. As on cue you whisper in my ear,

"It's alright love I'm here, let go look for the book you want hmm? I'm sure the power will be on soon."

I bite my lip and nod. You seem to notice and we start walking. The lights aren't completely out so we can still see but it's the old flickering yellow backup lights they have for emergencies that make the vibe so much worse.

The rain can still be heard from out side showing no indication of stopping. Finally I find a book that seems worth reading, after waking up and down many halls. I stand on my toes to get the book and jump at it a little. I grab it but not before stumble back. You catch me so I don't fall and yet again my breath hitches, sending butterflies throughout my body as the tingling feeling of your warm soft hands on my bare waist captivate my mind and cause everything else to go blank.

The next thing I know is that your lips are on mine and that I never want them to leave. Our hands travel up and down each other, still pg because we are still in a public area. We just can't keep our hands still. You bite softly at my bottom lip asking for permission. And who am I to deny that request. Your tongue explores my mouth. The taste of you just simply unbearable at this point as I left out quiet moans after moans which are muffled by your lips still on mine. I pull you closer by the back of your neck somehow still deepening the kiss. Our tongues exploring and loving the feeling coming from doing so. We stop or make out session because of a little thing called air only to notice that the lights have come back on and the rain let up. I look back and at around my surroundings. We're in the far corner of the library away from all people. You tug on my waist and I turn to you placing a soft chase kiss on your closed eyelids.

I look at you and giggle when I see a proud smirk on your face.

"You did that on purpose didn't you."

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't. You'll never know"

"Aishh shut up you weirdo let's just get my book and go home."

"Anything for you my princess."


yall its 8:45 pm im rewriting all these one shots and i really want sum taco bell like the craving is unreal. ohh damn and Tim Horton doughnuts 

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