Birthday Surprise

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Sitting on the floor I anxiously wait for my best friend to get home. We were roommates in college but once we graduated we decided to not part ways and now we live together. It's really a good system for us. We both contribute to the things that need to get done like chores, cooking and whatnot. Even paying rent goes smoothly. We don't keep secrets, we tell each other everything. On holidays and birthdays we go all out. Getting gifts and decorations. The only thing that's unknown is my feelings towards her. So here I am on my kitchen floor. On my birthday. Waiting for her to get back so I can get my annual birthday cuddles.

Scrolling on my phone since it's taking forever for her to get back from wherever she is I see the fat jump to the window indicating someone is here as she alway does that when we get a visitor. Soon to follow there's a knock at the door. Getting up I see takeout from my favorite Chinese place on the door step with a note.

"This is just the beginning for your birthday there's more to come just wait and see ,<333"

Bringing in the food I set it on the counter giggling at the cute hearts. If only she knew everything about her made my face heat up and my soul warm. Her smile lights up the room, her laugh fills any and every one's soul body and mind and gosh she smells so sweet just like raspberry tarts and lemons. She's home, my home and I think I love her.

Pov change

A few hours pass and the lovesick birthday girl sits on the couch now eating her lomain and watching some bl drama that she hooked up to the tv. It's nostalgic for the you adult because in her childhood she had to hide who she was from her family and their closed minded views. She knew by the seventh grade that she liked girls. Even got her first girlfriend that same year. She had to hide everything she did. So secretly she would watch bl dramas and wlw tiktoks and other gay things. Wishing so hard to be able to go to a pride festival.
Sadly none of that happened because in the eleventh grade a friend outed her by accident and her family kicked her out. From then on she's been working to be where she is now. So sitting on her couch she watches her favorite bl drama waiting for her next surprise.

As if on cue the door receives another couple of knocks. Opening to reveal and simplistic bouquet of flowers. With sprigs if lavender and soft yellow flowers resting at the door mat.

"One more gift to go, can you guess what it'll be. I don't think you will lol - :3"

Back to original pov

Placing the note aside I put the flowers in a vase and look at the time. The clock reads twenty past the hour. It's getting late and I'm anxious for her to get home. Getting into a cute lingerie set because I can if I want to, it's my birthday, and lose small shorts and one of her big hoodies. I go to start food prep for next week's meals. Humming to the soft music I put on I get lost in my head and quickly become distracted in my work. So music I bearly notice the cat jump to the window or the door opening or her slight giggle. Only when her long comforting arms wrap around waist pulling my body flush back to hers do I register that she's back. Blushing madly she puts her chin the crook of my neck inhaling my scent, nuzzling her forehead into my shoulder.

"Happy birthday princess"

God that nickname! Ever since we've met, she always has called me princess and I simply melt into her arms. A low whimper escapes my throat as she tightens her grip and turning my around to face her. Pushing me back I'm practically sitting on the countertop from how much my ass is pressed into it. Her chest on mine, her lips so close.

"Are you ready for your last surprise?"

And with that she pulls away. Losing the heat I so desperately want from her. Walking down the hallway she calls for me to follow. Entering the bedroom she flashes her signature heartthrob of a smile and grabs my hands. Pulling me to sit opposite of her on the best we both sit tailor-fashion.

"I have to tell you something, I don't know how you'll react but please let me finish before you speak. Please promise me princess."

With a curt nod I let you continue. Nervously writhing my hands together in hopes what you say isn't too bad to bring such a scene like this. So with that she looks her eyes with mine. Fear and anxiety hide behind them and hope as well throwing me off.

"Okay let's get it. I got this!"

Giggling cute at you hyping yourself up

"Look I like you. Hell I think I love you. Even since we've met in twelfth grade I've loved you. I wake up to see your smiles. I breath to hear your laugh. I live to know that you're in my life. I couldn't imagine a day without you. And God it makes me so scared. I don't care if you reject me all I care about is you still being in my life. I care about you so much. I just I don't know, I guess I just want you to never feel unloved or along ever. It's your birthday and I love you princess."

Silence. I can't move. I can't think. All I've ever wanted was for her to love me back. All those nights if crying thinking she'll never love me or that is never be good enough and now. Now she's here telling me how much she cares and loves for me. I don't even realize I'm crying till I feel her thumbs grace gently under my eyes whipping away the fallen tears.

"Don't cry princess, I'm sorry I-"

Her voice cracks and eyes fall dull seeing me cry. I scootch closer to her just so our knees touch. Getting up from sitting I kneel on the bed in front of her. She watches my Evey move. I grab at the back of her neck softly and pull her lips to mine. Placing my other hand on her cheek. She pulls me flush to her once more and her hands travel my my body. Her touches burning in my memory lighting flames of feelings all over me. The kiss deepens and it feels so God damn good. Better than anything I've imagined. No fireworks go off like people say but more of butterflies in my stomach, hands and  chest. I shake with so much happiness.

We end the kiss regaining oxygen that our lungs yearn for. More tears spill from mine now mixing with yours.

"No love why are you crying? Was the kiss not enough. I love you too. I've always have. Your princess. Always your princess."

Yet again pov change lol

The two girls then hug like it's the end of the world. Like at any moment the other will be stolen away. Shared breathe, heart and mind. Souls connected. Leaving the room the two walk to the kitchen finding a cake and dinner already set out waiting for them. They eat and hold full filing conversations. Once they finish their meal, the birthday girl cuts the cake and unwraps her gifts. Snuggling up on the couch she finally gets her birthday cuddles with her last surprise of the day happy day, a girlfriend.
Y'all tomorrow is my birthday!!!! I'll be sixteen<333

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