*Best Friend's Bathroom*

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y'all i'm on vacation and this road trip has me dead i have tonsillitis and the car ride sucked but 10/10 would recommend driving through north Carolina and west Virginia. the mountains beautifulllll. and the trees and grass. the grass was ahhhh. its very different from where i'm from but now i'm in Michigan finally. no humidity and y'all i cant get over this grass lmfao. ima be busy for a while so ima give y'all another chapter real quick and call it a day since i'm exhausted. :)))

wait is this where i put like a smuts warning or sum....cuz smuts lol


"Hurry up Rachel!"

Sarah exclaimed. Pushing her in the bathroom and locking the door behind them. Lifting Rachel to sit on the counter by the sink. The two girls were currently a little both drunk and high, about to do something they would most definitely not regret later.

"I get that this is Emily's bathroom but she can suck it."

And with that statement Rachel gripped the nape of Sarah's neck brought her in for a quick kiss and pushed her shoulders down until Sarah's knees hit the cold white tile floor.

"You look so good on your knees. So pretty."

She admired.

"Like the slut for me I know you are."

Putting her hands on Rachel's knees Sarah pulls down Rachel's underwear and spreads her legs. Admiring her pretty wet folds Sarah licks her lips in anticipation. Growing impatient with arousal a whine escapes Rachel's throat. With locked eyes Sarah leans forward. licking a long stripe up her cunt. her warm tounge's saliva mixing with Rachel's wet pussy.

"You taste amazing baby. So good."

Kissing the insides of her thighs leaving many hickeys Sarah decides to gently bite. Happy with Rachel's breath hitching as a response. Sliding her hand up Sarah fondles Rachel's breast. Flickering her nipples showing attention to both. Unable to respond Rachel is fucked out. A moaning mess. Sarah slides her hand back down adding some fingers inside her warm wet cavern. She starts to pump in and out of Rachel. Every now and then licking and sucking on her clit. I high pitched screaming moan leaves Rachel's lips as she reaches her limit and cums in Sarah's mouth. Rising from her knees Sarah pushes her lips hard against Rachel's

"Taste yourself baby. So fucking delicious."

Finishing the night escapades with a heated make out session. Panting heavily they pull apart.

"You think Emily heard? This is your best friend's bathroom."

If you know me no you do not. Yeah even though I'm 💅 I don't know how lesbian smuts work so this is the best that I could come up with. This took me like several days to finish because I'm exhausted anygays, feedback?

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