*Last Night*

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Thrusting fast into Kay's tight heat, Amara groans with pleasure. Leaning down to suck and bite marks into the crook of her neck and collar bones. Sweat pricks their bodies as they become joined and move together.  Kay whimpers and whines as Amara bottoms out. Pulling and pushing the thick toy farther inside of her secret area. Not letting up on her harsh pleasurable thrust. Moaning out profanities Kay's toes curl, her back arches and head thrown back as she's hit with an imence amount of pleasure causing her body to spaz with the thought of an oncoming climax.

Amara pulls out scanning over Kay's face to see her reaction. Though Kay doesn't see as her eyes are screwed tight together a whine escaping her lips for the lose of the blissful feeling in her core and spine. 

Lowering herself down Amara lifts Kay's left leg putting it over her shoulder. Her thigh resting there shacking with anticipation. Grabbing Kay's hips, pushing them into the soft sheets of the bed Amara lowers her head nosing just above Kay's sensitive bud.

Gasping from the sudden contact Kay tries moving her hips up in search for some kind of friction but is only found by soft hands kneeding the flesh of her hip bones. A slight firm pressure keeping her down. 

Licking a long strip from her lower abdomen to right below where Kay's ass meets her thigh Amara smirks with pride at making Kay shiver and whimper below her just by her touches and tongue. Finally with one last frustrated whine from Kay, Amara presses her tounge flat to Kay's clit circling and sucking with force.

Sinful sounds rush out of Kay's mouth as Amara abuses Kay's oversensitive bud. Slipping two fingers into Kay's heat. Amara pumps in and out of the still wet pussy from using the toy earlier. Soon Kay's legs begin to tremor as the orgasm rushes to hit her. Removing her fingers she replaces them with her tounge feeling the cavern tighten and pulse as Kay finally gets to cum.

A high pitched moan screams from her throat as her whole body feels the pleasure. Toes curling especially hard. Gasping for breath Amara cums souly from Kay's own climax. Both shaking and out of breath they lay on the sheets damp from their sweat.

The room smells of sex as the two continue to lie there trying to catch their breaths and recollect their thoughts. Picking up Kay, Amara brings her to the bathroom to finish the night with aftercare.

Sitting at the kitchen table Kay remembers last night's events vividly blushing and smiling like a mad man waiting for it to happen again.

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