Great Heights

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"Come onnnn!"

I yell at you as we make our way into the amusement park entrance. Dragging your hand I pull you to the closest ticket booth. You buy us wristbands because we both know we're gonna ride all the rides several times and play the games till they tell us to leave.

"I'm coming calm down miss hyper."

"How can I calm down when they have Fireball. It takes you upside down and everything!!"

You laugh and I can tell that I seem like a child right now.  We ride, Fireball, the Bumper Cars, Mouse Traps and Pharaohs Furry. Surf city and Vertigo, my personal favorite. It's around five when we finally decide to go and eat.

"What do you want love?"

I ask hoping the lines won't be too long

"Whatever you want is fine by me."

You give me a smile and turn to find a seat for us. When I get back your eyes nearly pop out of your head and I can't help but to hysterically laugh.

"Why'd you get so much. can we even eat that much babe?"

"All I got was curly fries, Philly cheese steaks, bloomen onion, funnel cake, fried oreos and Pancit. It's not like I got ~everything~"

I say with a slight innocent giggle. You smile and nod as we dig in and eat the food. I jump a bit when you reach across from under the table and rub my knee sending more butterflies throughout my body than the rides had done earlier.

We finish eating and I pull you into a quick kiss until pulling away quickly and running to the games. I turn around to see you stunned for a second, look up with a mischievous grin and dash after me. 

I bolt. 

When you finally reach me you grab my waist and spin me in the air and kiss me passionately. You put me down and we walk hand in hand back to the games. ignoring the stares we received. 

We play for awhile. I win you a big fluffy bear that we name Fish and you surprise my with a gold fish that you won that I name Teddy.

It's dark now, so I decide to do one last thing to make this night end with great heights.

"Come on babes, there's one more thing I want to do."

Practically dragging you again. We make it to the Ferris Wheel.

"Can you stop it at the top please, when the fireworks go off? I wanna surprise my girlfriend."

I ask the carnies. He agrees and we make it to the top. You nervously smile at me, and I feel bad because I know you don't like heights. I take a deep breath grabbing your attention.

"From the day I met you I knew that fate sought it to be. For the past three years there is nothing I love more than knowing that you are mine and that you're by my side the second form when I wake up and go to sleep."

I see you smile and get teary eyed, I quickly continue knowing how emotional we both will get.

"I promise to love you forever with all my heart and when the time comes when you're ready will choose to be my wife."

I pull out the promise ring as the fireworks go off in the background. sending beautiful shadows to fall on your face. Eyes shimmering with joy and endless pools of dreams. You grab my face and we kiss like never before. Passion, love, fire, hope, happiness, and so much more flood through that kiss. We have to pull back because stupid air is a thing. resting our foreheads against each other. Panting for air you sigh and smile. 

I place the ring on your finger and we cuddle at the top of the Ferris Wheel. We watch the fireworks. I smile knowing the planets, galaxies and stars finally aligned and thank the heavens that they gave me you.


Heyy guys, I think it's one of my favorites. I hoped you liked it. <3


still one of my favorites.<3 lol

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