Deep end

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Y'all I get nervous as all hell when my phone gets taken away lol. Side note  I looked so cute today but anyways. Y'all in these like idk. What I say before the story is a compilation over a few days so this is a different day than the few before lol. I'm a slow writer 😹 I've been meaning to post this but I'm not great ATM I'm sorry for the long wait

Crystal and Rose make their way to the pool late at night in hopes for a private swim date at 1am. Both in their dark colored swimsuits they enter the chilly night on the path to the heated pool in the back of their apartment complex.

"It's a pretty night we should do this more often." Rose humms softly to no one in particular

"I agree, we should go on more walks at night. It's relaxing."  And so they walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence. Finally reaching the pool they hop the fence and set their belongings down on a lawn chairs near the deep end. Entering the pool a relaxed sigh leaves Crystal's throat catching Rose's attention. Swimming over she starts massaging her girlfriend's neck and shoulders working out the knots and kinks.

"Did you work hard today? You shouldn't push yourself too much love."

"No but boss was rude again today so I'm just stressed. ~ahhh~ work there it's stiff. ~ah-please."

"Yes sir"

And with a salute Rose starts on the knot working it out. Soon she finishes and wraps her arms round Crystals neck and her legs round her waist. Peppering kisses against her temple and behind her ear. They go deeper and deeper into the far end of the pool untill they can no longer feel the bottom of the pool on their feet. Sitting on the lower ledge of the two Rose sits. Crystal in-between her thighs rest her elbows on the outside of them. (So like it goes elbow, thigh, crystal, thigh, elbow, for clarification)

"What are you thinking love?"

"I wanna get married and adopt a puppy. What do you think?"

"Rosie, dogs are expensive. What about a ferret?" "You like ferrets? Ya?"

"Mmm, can we name 'iim chimmy?"

"We can name it anything you want love." Kissing Rose' temple Crystal picks her up and  spins her around. Wrapping her legs around Crystals waist again they both laugh as Rose's back touches the water from being slowly dipped. Soon the couple's song plays. Taking each other's hands they slow dance in the moonlight. Occasionally splashing and chasing each other in the water until eventually the landlord kicks them out with a warning.

I'm sorry guys this one is shit. I've lost motivation during writing this one. I'll try better on the next one. I made you wait for less than mediocre writing I'm just sorry :)

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