*diamond blue eyes*

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So I read a jikook story where Jimin was rose and jk was Jack from titanic. This one shot is inspired by that story. If you are somewhat interested in reading that one I'll leave the story title and profile of the author. So now on with the story.

Title:Take me to the stars

After dinner the two girls walk back to Rose's private quarters. Hand in hand hoping no one sees. "So Jacqueline, let me see some of this art or yours you do sOooOoo highly speck of." Jacqueline and Rose sit on the bed with giggles filling the room at Rose's terrible impersonation of the future fiance. "My dear nothing in this book would compare to your beauty." A wink and a smirk leaves the girl a blushing mess. "Ohh. Is that so?" A smug look reflecting back. "Most definitely." "Paint me like one your your french girls darling!" And as dramatic as possible Rose feigns fakely. A hand to her forehead and a hump sounds as her back gently hits the bed. Falling pitifully on the soft mattress.

"You'll have to get more comfortable than that love." Jacqueline seductively growls near Rose's ear. As if on cue Rose starts stripping off layer by layer until there's nothing left on her delicate body. "Wait! I must grab something real quick." And with a quick peck to Jacqueline's cheek she scurries off the bed, still nude, and grabs a beautiful blue diamond necklace complaining her auburn eyes. Clasping it around her neck Rose lies back down. Holding eye contact with Jacqueline, arch's her back and spreads her legs. "How's this pose. Rather comfortable I'd say."

"So would I but I might get distracted darling and then we both end up somewhere else." "hmm I look forward to that." with that being said Jacqueline gets into her more professional mode and starts to instruct Rose on how to pose and begins her work sketching out her soon to be lover. Setting down her pencil Jacqueline turns around her sketch book and shows Rose her drawling.

"Well darling what do we think?" a gasp emits itself from Roses parted lips. "Is this how you see me? Gosh jacqu' its so beautiful." A small prideful smile pulls at the corners of the artists lips. "What do you mean its beautiful. Love you are beautiful. Why the brightest starts in the sky or even this ship cant sink the beauty out of you. Oh darling you're perfect." As Jacqueline says her words all the while the two girls inch forward. Lips only getting closer and closer. By the time the final three words and spoken its barely above a whisper. So much love and passion pouring out with each syllable. "You mess with my head Jacqu' and I can't help but not to care. This is wrong but it feels so right. Being with you feels so right " now the two are so close, noses just touching. Finally Jacqueline connects their lips together in a passionate lustful kiss full of love and meaning. Exploring each other's mouths the sloppy kiss ends.

"Make love to me Jacqu'. Please let me feel your love " and with that Jacqueline pushes Rose by her shoulders and climbs on top of her. Caging her in. Jacqueline's knees by Rose's waist her hands by her head. Rose slings her arms round Jacqueline's neck and pulls her into another kiss. Slipping her tounge in Roses mouths she arch's her back and moans. "Jacqu' baby please, I-I wanna feel you." "Off. That these off." Rose pulls at Jacqueline's clothing, pulling all the layers off both girls stare into each other's eyes. Nude. Sweat glisten off both their slim figures.

"Rose darling. Have you ever been touched here?" Jacqueline ask as she reaches down slowly starting to massage her sensitive bud. "Mmm. No. Feels so good, don't stop." Rose moans out. "Darling it's your first time give me a word. Say the word and I'll stop that instant live what's your word?" "Flower. I'm your flower. The words flower." And with that Jacqueline stops massaging her lover's bud. Kissing Rose's lips she spreads her legs apart and pulls them up near Rose's soft tits. Reaching her hand back down Jacqueline slips her two middle fingers into her loves tight wet heat. Thrusting them in and out in a excruciatingly slow pase resulting in Rose becoming a whiny horny mess.

"Mmm-more. Pl-please more! Faster." More moans spill from her chap lips. Jacqueline in response takes her other hand and massages her bud thrusting her fingers faster and deeper adding another. Four in total. Rise archs her back so far off the mattress at the new sensations she feels. Pulling away Jacqueline stops her movements and get on top of Rose pressing her core to the whiny girl beneath her. Rubbing back and forth soon both lovers feel their climaxes nearing. "Darling how far can you go? Please let me taste you. Will you let me taste you my darling?" Only moans fall for a response by Rose. A small nod is all it takes for Jacqueline to go down lowering herself in-between Rose's legs.

"Darling say flower if it get too much alright?" "Alright" tangling her hands in Jacqueline's hair she pushes her lover's head down bucking her hips up to meet Jacqueline's face. The top soon begins to suck and eat Rose's heat out pulling more moans, whines and whimpers out of her lover. Soon reaching her limit Rose wraps her legs around Jacqueline's head and pulls her incredibly close coming over her face. Moaning out Jacqueline's name all the muscles in her body flex as she rides out her intense orgasm. Jacqueline soon following after.

Just as Jacqueline was about to say something the two girls soon hear a horrid scraping of metal and few people shouting.

I'll do a part two later lovlies cuz I really like this one so far.

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