Peace and Serenity

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We walk hand in hand down the cobblestone walking path towards the big old oak tree and set down the wicker picnic basket. I lay down the the soft checkerd blanket and our stuff as you unpack the food for our late lunch.

As I sit you kiss my forehead and smile down at me, your long shinny hair gracefully flowing in the slight breeze.  Sitting down I take out my journal, looking out at all the headstones in the cemetery. The sun beautifully dancing off the odd angles caused by time. Reflecting beautiful shadows and great inspiration.

Birds chirp and leaves slowly descend here and there every so often from the trees.  I start writing poetry as you get out your painting equipment.

"I love having an artist for a girlfriend because not only is she beautiful, but she also portrays beautiful things."

A soft giggle escapes your lips. You look over at me and wink sending butterflies to my stomach. 

"If only you knew what that does to me darling."

I think out loud. With that a content sigh we sit in comfortable peace and serenity for some time. We have our picnic and talk of our dreams for the future and how we hope things to play out. 

"One day I'll raise enough money to support you and we can travel the world, just the two of us. Maybe even a little sunshine."

I raise my eyebrows as you wink at me with your not so subtle innuendo. I look at my knee through the hole of my cuffed jeans and bring them to my chest. Daydreaming of that future you described.

Suddenly you tackle me and pin me to the ground, hands above my head, both if us laughing in the process.

"What do you think of my dreams love?"

You ask me in a loving whisper as you massage sample circles on my wrist still pinning me down. I look in your eyes and see your smile. It hasn't faulted so I know your going to wait till I give you my response.

I bring my head up and kiss your lips gently. You remove your hands and bring one to my side, the other to my face. We stay like this for a while starring into each other's eyes until we hear people coming.

You pull back and we sit. Our heads against the strong tree. Deeply breathing in the fresh air I craved for recently. After the people pass we breaks out laughing. 

"Do you still wanna Know my answer?"

"No I just waited for you to tell me for no reason then."

"Ohh? Okay then."

Giggling slyly i start packing my things starting to get up when once again I'm pinned down.

"Don't play like that love."

Taken aback with adoration in my eyes

"There's nothing more I want then for that to be our future mi amour."

With that I wriggle free from your hold, place a small peck on your cheek and pack up our things to drive home.

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