Late Nights

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I turn over in my sleepless wake to the feeling of your arm winding around my waist and you pulling me closer. The new found warmth comforting from the coldness. I look over at the time and see that it's 4 am. (get it like the song lol nvm) I stir a bit more till you wake up. This was not my intention but my nightmare made me uneasy and I couldn't seem to fall back asleep.

Your other hand slowly moves towards my head and brushes the lose strands of hair away from face. Turning around to look at you. You smile at me sweetly and close your eyes again.

"Hi beautiful, you okay?"

You mouth, no words spoken but message clear. You open your eyes again and I nod, brows furrowing you lift my chin and kiss the tip of my noes.

"I don't believe you, you know."

I nod and reassure you I am. You then pull me in even closer if its even more possible at this point and hug me till we both fall asleep, me tightly in your arms. Late at night.


I'm sorry this one was short but I'm in class and the bells ab to ring lol

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