*getting there pt.2*

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Soooo I'm taking to this guy right, wrong I was but now he knows what I read on wattpad so I'm passing away and cutting him off✌️ stick to women people. My friends think it's the funniest thing but I disagree, like I walked out of art next to him, my friend waiting and she starts laughing. As he's right there. I can't believe he knows. I need to idk but here I am back on wattpad. Morale of the story; men🚫, women✅. Okie on with the story! Wait side note do y'all want smuts, cuz I'm not uncomfy writing it but idk is it something y'all want. Okie that's all I promise :))
Update this is a day later three guys are snapping me so I put a bunch of lesbian tiktoks on my story

It took about three hours to finally get to my parents lake cabin just in time for Kayla to wake up. Giggling at her cute stretch. I twist around to face the backseat and kiss the tip of her nose. An even cuter sight to see is her confused expression and crinkled nose.

Leaving Kayla in the car I unlock the cabin and bring our stuff in. Going back out for the last bag I see Kayla yet again fast asleep.

"Fuck the bag, I want you in the cabin."

I say to my sleeping girlfriend. I pick her up bridal style and carry her through the front door and into the master bedroom. There's a big king sized bed with clean white sheets and new pillows. A big bathroom with glass walls. Our parents friends made if for them when they were in their early twenties so glass walls in the bathroom for those horny fucks. a normal wall separating the bathroom and bedroom would be solid. Well not this one there's a huge hole with a glass panel to see everything. The walls facing out to the lake in the bathroom are glass two. Meaning if anyone was back there they'd be able to see all your bits and pieces. But the closest people around are about six miles away so we won't be bothered. Look into around, the bathroom is huge. The shower has four shower heads, different scented soap dispenser, a vanity, washer room and private area for the toilet. There's two walk in closets and a private deck facing the lake. Kayla comfortably tucked away in bed I head to the shower. Hopefully I don't wake her up. It was a long trip and want to refresh.

Turning on the water, I step out to let it heat up. Looking towards Kayla to confirm she's still asleep I slowly strip down to my underwear still waiting for the water to be the right temperature. It starts to rain by the time I step in making the dark gray tiles blend with the sky slowing making the shower appear out side. Finally stripping off the remaining fabric on my body. Engulfed by the warm steam and water I let the water pelt my skin like the rain on the glass walls. Closing my eyes I push my hair back and lather it with a light pink shampoo smelling of strawberries and lavender. Odd combination but nice none the less. Rinsing out the product I grab some soap and start washing myself. Turning back to look at Kayla I start thinking of what we would be doing if she was in the shower with me.

With the hot water and less than innocent thoughts I quickly become aroused. I imagine Kayla pushing me against the wall and pinning me there. Trailing wet open mouthed kisses down from my neck to slowly till she's just above my sex.

Opening my eyes in shock, Kayla snakes her arms round my bare waist sending fluttering arousal through my abdomen.

"Who said you could touch yourself kitten. Making such erotic noises too. Do you need help with anything?"

Voice thick and dripping with dominance and hunger, she presses her body closer to mine. Warming up my tension.

Nodding early with a whimper, not caring how submissive I'll become I let her have her way with me.

She then roughly pulls my hair and turns me around biting and sucking on my shoulder in the process.

"God I love your pretty little sounds, so desperate, makes me so horny. Touching yourself, did you forget the walls, kitten?"

The next thing I know, Kayla's on her knees near my ass. Slowly rubbing her hands up and down my thighs. Nipping and kissing my ass.

"Answer me baby."

"mmm...di-didnt wanna ahhuuh wake you. Got neeedy."

"God you can't even form a proper sentence without being a moaning mess."

she goes lower down my legs and back up to my hips spinning me around. Now facing my sex. Licking a long stripe down my stomach she messages circles on my clit. Finally feeling stimulation my legs shake.

"F-feels so...good. don't stop.....auuuuh more, ba-baby, mm' more."

Kayla's pov

"F-feels so...good. don't stop.....auuuuh more, ba-baby, mm' more."

Who am I to deny. Still massaging her clit I add two fingers into her wet dripping hole. Pumping deep and hard but ever so slow building up her frustration. Screaming out profanities I stop with her clit and suck it instead. Moving my tongue around tasting her sweet being her legs violently shake as she comes in my mouth. Her seemingly never ending orgasm causes her to release such a dirty pornographic moan. But I'm not finished yet. Adding a third finger I continue on.

"Can I push you baby? Wanna see how far you can go."

Weakly nodding still breathing heavy from her high Livvy let's out another unholy moan. I could come just from hearing the dirty sounds she can make. Pumping as deep as I can I hit her g-spot as more juices flow from her pussy.

"Mmmmm, cum, ahhhhhh, lemme cum."

"Come on baby, cum for me then."

Taking my fingers out I plunge my tongue in as deep as I can just in time for her to cum a second time. Cumming on my face and mouth I continue to lick and suck her out until she's done. Pulling my tounge out of her soft core slowly getting back up and supporting her weak body.

"You taste so good kitten."

Pushing my tongue in her mouth I let her taste herself. I let out a moan as she sucks my tongue. Pulling away.

"Wanna continue this in the room."

God Livvy never sounded sexier.

1108 words of smuts 😏my friend is literally sleeping right next to me if she knew I was writing this she'd probably kill me lol. Please tell me how I did. Anygays it's 12:03 am sooooo good night my lovely gays

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