Sweet like Cookie Dough

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I jump at your sudden screech and run to the kitchen only to see the big ass mess that you have made.

"Babes, how many times have I told you to stay out of my kitchen, you always make a mess."

I giggle out the words as I toss flour at you from the assortment of cookie ingredients


You stumble out only form me to cut you off my placing chocolate chips in your mouth

"Ohh, your asking for it my love"

I shriek as you start to chase me around the island in the kitchen reaching your dough covered hands for me.

We both stop on opposite side of the island. I quickly pick up one of the many eggs you left out and smash it on your head. You let out a loud shocked giggle as the goo is falling down. The next thing I know, you reach out and grab the setting dough to shove it in my mouth as I laugh hysterically at the sight.

"This is gonna take forever to wash out of my hair"

You pout. I walk over behind you, wrap my arms around your waist and inhale the sweet smells of the kitchen.

"Sounds like a personal problem flower"

I laugh out as we look at the horrible mess that one would guess to be a kitchen.

"No, my love a personal problem is you cleaning  'your'  kitchen up."

"Ohh I see, using my words against me now are we"

"You know 'babes'"

I finally let go of you from behind and make my way to start cleaning the kitchen and putting the cookies you made earlier in the oven. I didn't notice however when you grab my wrist and spin me around that you didn't go and take a shower. You pull me in closer and place a sweet kiss on my lips. Both sweet figuratively and literally as there was still chocolate and sugar on your lips. Walking hand in hand we pass the hallway mirror towards the bathroom see the mess that we are. Covered in flower, egg goo, and coco powder we look an absolute mess.


Oh my gosh guys it's been a hot second since I've published another one, but life has been hectic. Anyways I hope y'all had a great day today my lovelies and don't forget to leave a comment or recommendation for something you want me to write, lol I'm just rlly bored <333

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