All in Your Fantasy Love

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The point of view for the story is going to be pretty wack so just be prepared for that I apologize in advance lmao y'all I started this on May 16th and now it is June 2nd I have been gone for a hot second. So let's get on with this hot mess it might be angsty I don't know yet I'm a little indecisive today

Bright green blades brush softly at my ankles. Happy yellow stars on stalks face the sun on this midsummer day. Soft cool clay molds in my hands. Yours paint from flowers and wild berries awaiting to portray beautiful fantasies on a patient canvas. Digging our toes in the chill earth small butterflies fluttering past.

The warm air and summer heat fills my lungs as I breath in deep.

"If you're tired you can rest my sweet strawberry"

Drifting off basking in the sun, I take off my ballerinaesk sandals. The breeze slightly ruffling the ends of my floral skirt.

You pick me up and spin me around your soft angelic giggle fills the air and my ears not a day goes by where I don't think about you.

" I never said I was tired" I breathed. "Now put me down you big oaf"

"Oaf? I see how it is."

Still in your arms I wrap my legs around your waist as you bend over placing my back against the ground kissing my nose softly.

"Mmm delicate strawberry tastes like strawberries. How cute all for me."

"All for you, and you're beautiful fantasies my love."


Happy pride month by fellow homosapiens how are you? anygays ummm I forgot what I was going to say have a great pride month Love you shawtiessssss. Lmao sorry I don't know what the hot mess you just read was but I have writer's block so sorry for the long wait I don't know man

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