*Candy Shop*

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Candy was Tae's  second favorite thing in the world, their first, their girlfriend of course.  But if anyone asked why candy was their second favorite thing, God they'd blush and lie straight through their teeth right on the spot. Tae's girlfriend found it a funny laughing matter seeing Tae blush and flustered.

Walking through their local mall Tae and their girlfriend walk hand in hand passing an island full of all kinds of colorful and fruity candy. Their girlfriend smirking, she tells Tae to keep ahead as she wanted to use the bathroom. With a small nod and a quick peck on the lips Tae keeps walking, probably to the food court. As per usual. Their girlfriend stays back and swiftly gets candy she'll know that they will both have fun with and really enjoy.  

Catching up with Tae they quickly get food and head to the movie they were there to watch. Leaving the theater yet again hand in hand giggling about some joke as they make their way to the car. Driving home in a comfortable silence. The sun just barely setting painting pretty colors on their faces.  rushing to the room to hide the candy they bought Tae's girlfriend sneakily  stashes it away and jumps into the shower pulling in Tae as well. 

Washing off the long day they both Quickly clean and get out. But before Tae can get dressed or even dry off for that matter their back is gently meeting the soft sheets of the bed as their girlfriend pushes them down and up towards the headboard. Slipping their  legs open and straddling their waist. Flustered and feeling exposed Tae tries to close their legs or wriggle out of their girlfriends grasp. Unsuccessfully though they don't, however soon they feel hands running up and down her waist and thighs in a soothing comforting manner. Leaning down Tae thinks that their girlfriend is going in for a kiss. Thrown off guard Tae realizes shes going to grab something behind the pillow. A shocked and giddy feeling leaves Tae shivering as they see their lover pull out the candy from behind the pillow. 

Hastily unwrapping the small piece of candy Tae's girlfriend pops the small treat right inside the en-by's tight cunt. Purposely grazing their clit with her finger tips as she moves her hands away. Swiftly ducking down to give Tae no time to react their girlfriend proceeds to eat out Tae. Lapping and sucking on their secret area as if it was candy itself. Moans and profanities slip from Tae's throat as their girlfriend sucks and licks hard.  

Finding the small candy Tae's girlfriend wraps her tongue around it and pushes it up towards Tae's clit. Massaging the clit 'accidentally' as she eats the candy.  Moaning hard Tae cums into their girlfriends mouth as she cleans around the area. Nosing the outside of the secret area. Licking her lips Tae's girlfriend licks, sucks, and bites at Tae's inner thighs. Finally pulling away with a few kisses to each one.

Lazily crawling back up to Tae, their girlfriend comedically flops back down and entangles their legs. The two wind up cuddle to sleep pressed up against each other peacefully.

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