Rainy Day

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I look out the window at the rain that is now steadily falling from the sky. Usually I would go out and dance to tunes in my head and act like the mail character but unfortunately I'm sick and you said that if I went out my cold would get worse. So here I am pouting for your attention. slightly dissapointed as well.

I hear you in the kitchen. Making noise and a mess as per always. However you come out with a steaming cup of tea and a bowl of ramen.

"I'm sorry you can't go out in the rain love but I made your favorite."

You say as you hand me my favorite chamomile peach tea and favorite ramen soup.

I gladly take the goodies you made and reach for the remote. Quickly leaning forward you snatch it away.  Getting up before I have time to protest with your actions. You place a chase kiss on my lips, lay a weighted blanket on me and say,

"I want you to rest, take a nap and then we can cuddle."

You smile brightly as I nod and start on drinking my tea. The steam warming my face and relaxing my aching headache. Slowly after drinking the broth of the soup and tea I drift to sleep.  The sound of the rain lightly tapping the window and distant thunder singing me a powerful lullaby.

I wake up to the soft tune of you humming our song and tapping of your foot to the beat. I stretch to signal you that I am awake.

"How'd you sleep my angel?"

"Fine, I had the best dream though. Of a castle and fields of flowers and gowns! With a king and two princesses!"

You giggle as I ramble on. My excitement filling you with happiness. You make your way over to the couch. You pull my blanket off and sit in between my legs. Resting your head on my chest I listen to your breathing.

You grab my hand from your side and intertwine our fingers. Fidgeting with my one to many rings. We stay like this for the rest of the day. Not bothering to do the things that had planned to be done. We order takeout for dinner from our favorite Thai place and watch a scary movie. The rain still pouring, we slowly drift into the deep abyss of dreams.

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