Dragon Wings & Fairy Tears

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 i really recommend listening to stray kids their music is really amazing :) and i love them so so much so ya anygayssss on with the story.  nvm i lied lol this one is gonna be different so id really love some feed back that'd be amazing. thanks my lovelies <333 also im tired so i didnt edit this well take it what it is ill prolly edit it later thank you :)))))


"Mommy hurry up or we'll be late and you know how the scary warlock is!!!!" 

"Lizzy don't run so fast I'm old baby."

The small child stops in her tracks, her young mother almost crashing into her. Causing the little one to burst into a fit of giggles and the mother smiling fondly at the child.

"Baby why'd you stop?"

"B'cuz mommy every adventure needs a prince, but we don't have one."

"No it seems we don't but we do have something even better."

"What is that?"

The little girl questions with a cute raise of an eyebrow. walking to the living room couch hand in hand the little girl sits on her mothers lap.

"Ima tell you a story sunshine, fun of adventure."

Once apon a long time ago there was a princess. she was gorgeous. loved by all, most of all her father a kind forgiving king with a heart of gold but cold persona. Enemies feared him, but his people respected and loved him and his daughter. The kings wife died young so the princess didn't have a mother but a kitchen hand raised and loved her as a mother should. She grew up to be intelligent and bright. She would tell her father everything. All the adventures and happenings of her day. They were truly best friends. but one thing she never shared was her love for the stable mans only child. They had a secret love. they never had to sneak off because they  were seen as best friends. If only her father new that she was in love with the girl. They planed to elope but her love moved to a foreign village. They lost touch and drifted apart. Devastated the princess sadly one day made one too many mistakes. Nine months later she became a mother. her father by her side supporting her through it all. 

Pausing from the story Lizzy heard her mom sniffle and realized that she was crying.

"Don't worry mommy fairy tales always have happy endings, silly you just gotta get to the ending."

"You're absolutely right baby. shall we continue?'"

With a cute determined nod form her daughter the young mother continued to story.

One day a black fog rolled in covering the kingdom in a sleepy mist. An enchantress entered the happy kingdom demanding sanctuary. The king worrying for his people complied with the demands and let the enchantress in. Once in the castle the enchantress searched the halls for the princess but was met with a child instead. The kings grandchild. Her lost lovers child.  Her child.  For you see heartbroken for her lost lover the stable mans daughter became a dark warlocks apprentices in the deep forest in hopes to be united one day whether by fate or by the power rushing through her veins. Years she learned and trained. Working with faries taming dragons and interweaving concoctions for mystical potions. One night she sent her most trusted second in command to see her love only to find a scene that would only cause harm and hurt. Rushing back to inform the witch she quickly concocted a potion.she demands her friend to go back and somehow have the princess drink it. The child will be hers it cant be his I can't let that happen. Snapping out of her thoughts of the past she feels the child tugging on the hem of her skirt. 

"hey there my sweet do you wanna see a magic trick? ill show you if you help me find your mother." 

The women asked. With a light giggle so much like her mother the child agreed fluttering the heart of the enchantress with anticipation to seeing her love after so many years. They wander the halls of the palace till they find the princesses quarters. The women turns to the child and asks for her to leave and to give them privacy promising the magic trick to be seen soon. Upon entering  the room the enchantress see her long lost lover sleeping sweetly and climbs in the bed alongside to the sleeping beauty. (not saying this is sleeping beauty just thought it was a cute reference) gently she moves the princesses hair and kissing her neck waking her up. 

Instantly the young mother is brought to tears seeing her long ago love besides her again. Embracing each other in a warm long lasting hug they talk about the time that had past and all the things that needed to be said.  

"So i see you have a child my flower moved on that fast?" 

The witch asked. Instantly the princess tries to explain only to be cut off.

 "don't worry love I've known. I have something to tell you." 

The women spoke. And so the enchantress explains how the child is hers. Is theirs. Rather being angry the princess once again bursts into tears and hugs and kiss her love.  

"lets tell father love once he knows you're you he'll be more understanding. we can be together once again. i regret never telling him all these years but now you're back and everything can change." 

Next thing they knew the two mothers made their way to the king to tell him of their love. Hand in hand ready to face everything together. 

to say the king was unaccepting would be a lie. he didn't care who his daughter loved. 

  "i'll always love you Julia my daughter my light but you cant stay here anymore. if they found out you'd both be hung or worse. you must escape from here before anyone finds out and i will help you. both of you. oh and my poor sweet sunshine what will you do with my granddaughter.will you take her with you?" 

The young mothers instantly shake their heads. they are a family they weren't going to leave anyone behind. 

  "i love you papa, Lizzy darling are you ready to leave?"

The small child taking her mothers hand responds and they were off. Leaving the life they so loved behind to face the word with love and hope found within each other.

"mommy that's was such a great story!!!" Lizzy exclaimed

"Indeed my darling. now help my set the table before your eomma gets back home."

 (it was between calling her eomma or mater so i went with Korean not Latin)


"Eomma your home!"

Lizzy runs and jumps into her mothers arms and is soon engulfed in and hug sandwich curtticy (how the heck do you spell that lmao) to her two mothers.

"welcome back my love" 

and with that a light giggle and a sweet kiss they sit down at the dinner table to eat and talk of their day. finding love within each other.


ahh so how was it????????? oiiiiii this was not something i thought id write but idk i kinda like itttt. Please Please Please tell me what you thought and ya love yall <3333

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