Christmas Eve

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Steadily the snowing world outside got colder and colder as the night drew on. The Christmas lights on outside illuminating the pillowy white snow happily. In the quiet cozy house two women sit on the couch snuggling in the warmth they give each other drinking thick sweet hot cocoa out of holiday themed mugs. The fireplace crackling in the background as a form of white noise as little conversation happens between the two. It's embers radiating heat and a welcoming scent.

The silence is comfortable rather than awkward. The Christmas tree in the far corner decorated in fine ornaments and pretty tinsel lights filling the room with a festive glow. Small perfectly wrapped gifts thoughtfully placed beneath it waiting patiently to be opened and cherished on Christmas day. Finishing off the day the two lovers head to their room to sleep in a comfy king sized bed.

Falling asleep rather quickly embraced in each other's arms, legs entangled and breaths shared. Not a thing could ruin this perfect cozy Christmas Eve.
How have y'all been recently my lovelies <33
I honestly don't know if ima keep writing smuts I just don't think that it's as good as yall would want it but idk. Have a goodnight guys :))

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