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So....idk what this hot mess will turn into but it's my attempt to write something a tad spicy. This'll probably be shiz but oh well lol. Ahhhh this is gonna be embarrassing (≧3≦)
(Ahhh where do I start???, sorry I'll stop now lol)

We both moan in unison feeling our climax near. A few seconds later our highs were reached. As we ride out our orgasms. You start kissing my neck and whispering sweet notions in my ear.

The room smell of sex, sweat, and heavy pants. You flop down beside me and push my hair off of my forehead.

"You did so great sweetie. So perfect for me like always."

I wrap my arms around your neck and peck you quickly on the lips feeling tired and worn out. You leave the room and I faintly hear the sound of running water as I drift to sleep. I wake up to the feeling of your kisses on the back of my neck as you sit behind me in the bath.

"I love you"

Is all and can form in my mind and translate to my lips.

~(Gf pov)~

You make grabby hands for mine and I obide. Your soft fingers wrap around mine massaging small circles into my skin. I pull you back so you can rest against me. Kissing your shoulder for comfort.

Yet again you fall asleep. This time in my arms. The most precious thing to see. Standing up with you in my arms I dry you off and dress you. Lying you down on our bed I kiss your forehead. Both of us falling into dreamless sleep.

(Insert video clip of skz hyunjin whining after he spilled coffee on himself.)
How'd I do. The internet is down at my school for the third time this week and so is the ac, so like fed great. Lol

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