New Years Eve

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The last few numbers of the countdown ring in my ears as the ball in new yorkers slowly falls to the ground. I think back to the year I've had the one we've had together. Pulling you in by your waist, three seconds left...

"Happy New Year songbird,  With that said all that's left to do I kiss you I suppose." A sly smirk plays on your lips.

"So why don't you?" And I do. Pressing our lips together I kiss you with everything in me. You've made my year so much better than anyone could imagine. All the ups and downs, hard and difficult, easy and happy moments are what made this past year ours. I pour all that into this kiss to show you my love and appreciation. Because you make me so happy and I love you so much. So so much.

Finally you pull away from the kiss and we both search for air ours lungs crave for. You look into my eyes with much longing.  A nervous giggle and a soft sigh leaves your beautiful throat as you pull me into the best hug of my life. I don't know how to even describe it, it just feels like you, us. Just—. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Making our way to the couch we sit and cuddle looking at the Christmas tree we've jet to take down listening to our Spotify wrapped playlist. Massaging your thighs you sigh in contentment and slowly drift to sleep. I carefully braid your long soft hair and tuck you into bed. Kissing your forehead I lie beside you falling asleep happy to be in your arms.
Ayo my lovlies it's the end of the year I just wanna thank you all so much, it's been something lol ily you guys, stay safe and happy going into 2022 🤞💕😚 love you guys

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