Summer Breeze in Forest Trees

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Sitting under the big oak tree of their childhood the two adolescent girls softly hum to the airy breeze and soft chirp of the beautiful red and gold birds flying high in the great sea above known as the vast blue sky.  Hand in hand, head on shoulder, legs entangled they cuddle up close under the strong green tree that has seen so much life  and happiness in the youths development throughout the years.  This is their place, their song, their home, their happiness. Sheltered from the hate and judgment of the world. they get to be themselves. And that's enough for them. Looking out they see baby ducks playing in the distant pond. The sun reflecting off the water like a beautiful stained glass window. Shining it's rays in all directions. A soft giggle escapes one if the girls as the other braids her hair and kisses her ear. Nibbling it softly. Just like that, like reliving their past they found their word.


No sadness or angst, hate or trouble can tear down their 'hi'. Not the family they still love that rejected them not the church and their faith that they still hold onto that rejected and not their friends that they loved that too rejected them. Nothing can break their 'hi', their love. Their home.

"Hi baby"

"Hi lovey"


<33 sleep well tonight my lovelies

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