Spooky Season

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Y'all I broke up with my not bf bf this morning

The crisp autumn breeze ruffles their hair as the two girls make their way through the corn maze. The sun setting, painting an auburn sky. Soon to have stars littering its canvas. Leaving the maze they make their way to the pumpkin patch picking out, in their opinion the "cutest ones".  Hand in hand they pay for the pumpkins. Their high top converse shoes crunching the fallen leaves and warm flannels blowing in the wind. Little words sketched in the soles of the shoes like; converse high and such. Pressing a light chase kiss to her subs lips she spins her love around, arising a giggle to form from her lover's throat. Finally the sun sets on the two as they drink warm hot cider and eat maple doughnuts. Golden in color with cakey goodness. Driving in their pickup decorated in Halloween and spooky season tricks and treats.

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