Cat Cafe

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I feel like my stuff isn't as fluffy as it used to be so ima do more of the stuff I used to write. Also my birthday is in 28 days and idk how I feel about turning 16

I grab Samantha's hand and intertwine our fingers as we walk out in the sunshine to our destination. Swing our arms slightly she pulls slightly forward for me to follow. Giggling softly I tuck a strand of her light brown hair as she turns towards me. Pulling Samantha in by her waist a place a quick kiss to her lips.

"Do you wanna go inside or stay her kissing me?" I ask with a slight smirk and tease in my voice
"Inside but I'd be fine with either option." She giggles again as she turns and walks into the cute cat cafe. Following suit I walk in as well to be immediately surrounded by little tuffs or fur some would call cats. Finding a cozy corner for us to sit you bring our drinks. Setting them on the table I place the books we brought there as well. Pulling her onto my lap I nuzzle my head into her shoulder and inhale deeply calming my soul.

"That tickles darling stoooop." She cutely whines in a hushed whisper so the cat on her lap isn't disturbed. Sighing quietly I lean back, her head landing on my shoulder with a light thump as she sips her tea and pets the small orange cat. "We should come here more often darling these cats are so sweet." Samantha rambles on and on. Sitting contently I listen and hear all the words she speaks just loving her voice. Pulling her closer I lean and flutter kisses on her neck and tickle her sides some. Finally checking the time, we've been at the cafe for a few hours now. We bid goodbye to the friendly workers and the fine furry friends and walk hand in hand out the door.

Arriving back home we slump into the couch cuddling as always slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Warm under a fluffy blanket and the happiness the calmness brings us.

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