Chapter 27: You'll Be Fine

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I finished packing my suitcase and stopped when I felt a presence at my door.

"Why do you three have to go, Seb?" My 12 year old little sister asked, her eyes all watery.

I gave her a sad smile as I turned around, seeing her sad eyes look up at me.

"It won't be forever, Caci," I said softly as I walked over to her.

"Can't I come with you? Please, big brother, I'll be good and won't bother you three, I promise," she begged, holding my hand.

I sighed, giving her sad smile.

"Caci, you are never a bother. Nothing would make me happier than to have you join us," I assured her. "But you're still too young and it can be scary. Plus, you're still in school."

She frowned up at me with watery eyes and looked down. "I hate it there..... The other kids make fun of me, and the popular girls always try to get me in trouble for no reason... They so mean to me, and I don't even talk to any of them...."

"They're just jealous," I said, placing my hands on her shoulder. "They are just jealous because they're big brothers aren't in a band."

She sniffled and wiped at her tears, making me stop her and softly drying them away.

"And they don't have three big rockstar brothers to love them like you do...." I encouraged.

She looked up at me with a soft but teary smile.

"I never like it when you cry, Cacia.... You're too beautiful to cry," I said.

She sniffled and took a deep breath.

"Tell you what... You can crash in my room tonight," I said. "Last night home before tour, we can binge your favorite movies all night."

She giggled softly and nodded. "Okay."

"I heard movie night," A voice suddenly said and Emerson and Remington poked his head in, along with Remington.

I grunted as I rolled my eyes, Acacia giggling.

"Can we, Seb?" she asked, giving me the look in her eyes she knows I can never say no to.

I sighed. "Fine..... We can all stay in my room," I said. "Emerson, I get one kick out of you while you're sleeping, you're getting the floor.

Emerson stuck his tongue out at me as Remington snickered, Acacia smiling happily now.

<end of flashback>

From the moment Acacia became my little sister, I swore to always protect her and never let any harm come to her, just like I did with Remington and Emerson.

I do admit, I tend to be pretty protective of my younger siblings, of Caci especially, but I'm the oldest of the four of us.

After our dad left, it all practically fell on me to be responsible for my siblings and not make things even more harder for my mom than they already were at the time.

Thankfully, though, we all pulled through and stuck together and our lives had gone on pretty well.

Yet, when I saw my baby sister with those bruises on her neck, traumatized and scared after what that son of a bitch did that day, I felt like I failed as a big brother..... 

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