Chapter 22: Let Him Burn

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⚠️Warning: Scenes depicting the consequences of drinking, scenes depicting some violence against women/assault. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️


I panted as I stopped the treadmill and caught my breath, stopping the time.

More than two weeks passed since the tour and things have really been okay, honestly.

I started college, and also applied to some part time jobs to make some extra money on the side.

I'm still considering Sebastian and Larisa's suggestion of moving to Los Angeles. I talked with Mom and she thought it seemed like a great idea, but I'm a little scared to leave her alone.

I always figured I'd be living in Las Vegas until I at least graduate college.

The only thing that's ever struck me in the heart was that then Mom would be living alone. She said its okay, and she always visits and travels anyway, but I still can't help but worry eitherway.

Uncle Nigel always stops to visit her, but either way I wish it were easy to make a decision.

There's also Adelle and Vanessa. I don't want to leave them either... They're like my sisters.

This is a lot to think about...

I finished my classes and decided to work out at the college gym for about an hour and a half before deciding to head home since I was already tired. Thankfully I had a day off from work, so I can work on my homework once I get home.

Since I got back to my regular work out routine, I've actually started to kind of feel like myself again.

I'm starting slow with some regular cardio and taking some yoga classes on the weekends. Vanessa also invited me to join her in some Zumba classes she started taking, which sounds interesting and fun.

Tomorrow is my birthday and my brothers had decided to stay a while so they wouldn't miss it. They have spent an extra week with me and my mom but will be leaving to L.A. in a few days.

I took a deep breath as I got down from the treadmill, drinking some water and then headed to the locker room.

Once I was cleaned up and changed, I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail before I grabbed my things and walked out, looking for my car keys when...

"Acacia!!" A voice called out

I froze and then turned, seeing a face I didn't want to see.

I grunt and turn away.

"Go away, Flynn," I snapped, quickly walking away before he ran up and stood in front of me.

"Please, just, listen to me," he begged.

"No, just leave me alone," I snapped, trying to move away, but he kept stopping me.

That's when I caught a weird smell from his breath...

Was he..... Was he drinking?

Hes the same age as me... And its barely even 5 pm!!

"Acacia, please, I-I'm sorry," he said.

"For what, cheating on me?!" I snapped. "Lying to my face, to other girls!? Making me look like some idiot?! And then you have the gall to even come looking for me, begging for forgiveness, while reeking of booze!? You know what, you deserved having Vanessa bash your face in."

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